zee art
[ commissions ] https://images.plurk.com/7EHMwzJioz8Kcmp1vXc5qR.png
commissions are open!! :-D
and i'm Back On My Bullshit doing snowy portraits for the winter season again <3
zee art
snowy portraits, like so: https://66.media.tumblr.com/c8878c39c476c2203853443334a2a1ee/tumblr_p1l6x9IJth1vyyyx2o1_640.gif are $35 for one character and $55 for two this year
zee art
https://i.imgur.com/rcGuLSl.png still doing the buttons, too! because not even god can wrestle this button maker out of my hands, i love it so much
zee art
email me at liz.coshow@gmail.com to grab a slot!!
zee art
i'm still finishing up a couple from my last round, but i should be getting started on these on monday :]
zee art
oh right, and pinglist -- as always just lemme know if you'd like to be added or removed to the pinglist!
i recognize that loxodon
zee art
omg do you
yeah my dm was looking for someone to draw it for him and i suggested you
zee art
zee art
aww, thank you! :-D i've had so much fun with his commissions
zee art
super cute characters
zee art
hey i just realized plurk image totally destroyed the quality of that top image, i don't know if it was worth the preview not being cropped into a box :'|
zee art
plurk you truly present me with sophie's choice
plurk is terrible to images
zee art
god it really is, every time i think "it can't be that bad, i'm just being picky" i see it absolutely demolish something
it always uploads images as jpgs and destroys it
The snowy portraits are back aw
zee art
also stay tuned i might upgrade those snowy portrait templates if i have time
zee art
give em a nice frame or somethin
man i love the snowy portraits. but am saving up for an iconset from you!
zee art
oh shit hell yeah, bury me in icons >:]
zee art
and don't worry, they will be around for a while! i think last year i did them all through nov - jan, finally got tired and tucked them into bed around feb
Many Birds
gotta hit you up again later today when i’m off work
✧ Navigator ✧
i'm so tempted, ngl.
zee art
winks slowly and sensually
zee art
✧ Navigator ✧
WANT... one day I will get a snowy one from you!!! /clenches fist
✧ Navigator ✧
email sent requesting slot for snowy portrait :3
zee art
got it, ty! :-D
✧ Navigator ✧
♡ disaster
so beautiful!!!
♡ disaster
zee art
aww ty :-D
Cats + XmasTree
👀 I’ve been jonesing to commission my new dnd character
vegan gloryhole
Man I'm gonna get the dumbest snowy portrait
zee art
hell yes to BOTH
zee art
just a note here that there’s a few emails i’ve gotten that i haven’t responded to yet -- i will soon! i’ll be at a computer again later today (B
vegan gloryhole
Fool hates the cold and ESPECIALLY hates snow, so just the saddest sulkiest tiefling in a beautiful snowy portrait
zee art
oh my god precious
If your still open, imma email you
zee art
i am!
zee art
i should be finishing up the last of my queue tomorrow >:] so here is a buncha finished ones so far
zee art
https://66.media.tumblr.com/43a3a538475a2e1fa1a0376c29e20531/tumblr_pii9lxoxBm1vyyyx2o1_1280.png https://66.media.tumblr.com/1907d99472414ffd46e0f5a13ca1a691/tumblr_piv714gjOc1vyyyx2o1_640.png https://66.media.tumblr.com/7f69bcf84807d3d8a3d99bef8416575b/tumblr_piv722W7dC1vyyyx2o1_640.png
zee art
https://66.media.tumblr.com/c7e883c03a8af4110b37d1235d66855a/tumblr_pivuyhI1hC1vyyyx2o1_640.gif https://66.media.tumblr.com/beba245774f52a88f239e4ecc5c1ef72/tumblr_pikpecI4Rk1vyyyx2o1_640.gif https://66.media.tumblr.com/ac68db165784b28e8063d5114c4341ff/tumblr_pikpc6D5Uf1vyyyx2o1_640.gif https://66.media.tumblr.com/21f4c86d708a3284603258837947fb2e/tumblr_pikpbd9IdH1vyyyx2o1_640.gif added a frame to the animated snowy ones!!
✧ Navigator ✧
✧ Navigator ✧
I'M SO PLEASED WITH MINE, highly rated a+++
zee art
https://66.media.tumblr.com/849bc5ce6d64d563992503831b808505/tumblr_pii9pvWtrd1vyyyx2o1_1280.png https://images.plurk.com/2MkWlkH4ZMYxOHBbIHKncK.png https://66.media.tumblr.com/0ba131e30d3fff713f447e36a0c28bd2/tumblr_pi6070TrCU1w6imn4o1_1280.png https://66.media.tumblr.com/24bd6e8f92c01a2adb2111284d76f0ec/tumblr_pi608yRkVO1vyyyx2o1_1280.png https://66.media.tumblr.com/3dbea8a6dcd2e5152194e23142e3d155/tumblr_pivvoyX8Kb1vyyyx2o1_1280.png
zee art
phew i think that is everything so far
zee art
i'm glad you like it! <33
zee art
tbh i love workin on these, what a good time of year
SUPER HAPPY WITH MY HALF ORC thank you so much <3
zee art
i’m glad! i really like his design :-D
Look at everyone’s cute characters