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hello its been 2 days and i'm still listening to the new BSB song
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i love "don't go breaking my heart" but i think i like this one more
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ugh i cant wait for this album i'M GONNA BUY IT
i love them both i actually keep clicking to one from the other
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youtube plays em back to back so after listening to them both
i just start over
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I've just got them both on spotify
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and i'm high key considering trying to get tickets to see them next year
i can't afford it but i played the new one for mom today and she was like "they're coming on tour right "
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i probably shouldnt even consider it but
ugh i want to so badly ;;
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oh man they're going to my hometown
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I would love to see them next year
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but holy shit tickets start at $120
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my best friend just texted me about the video and now we're talking about getting tickets for the concert
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my sister hasnt seen them live - i did when i was like.... 13. so she wants to do this, but. $$$$$$!!!
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its a few weeks after my birthday though..................... we were thinking of going to san francisco again but maybe this.... instead....
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I saw them when I was about that age, about two decades ago. I think it was their second tour.
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Backstreet's Back tour for me. they came out in coffins at the end for that particular song.
I LOVE that scene, omfg