> person: /is disappointed that yet another character is same face white woman, makes edit to show that it would have been very easy to at least make her black or something
(also I am torn on the race thing personally, because on the one hand I do want more diversity, but on the other this is a villain and adding a fourth villain who is not white (After Reaper, Sombra, and Doomfist) does not seem like a good idea)
I'm torn on the race thing cause while she's not villain villainous, she is definitely on the baddie side of the spectrum. Also I probably would have made her Native or Latina over anything else given- well, the tropes they're going for here.
tbh even if she's white, she SHOULD be tanned because New Mexico sun. It looks like someone from far north is visiting New Mexico and forgot her sunscreen.
The camera switching back and forth between McCree’s semi-realistic scruffy face and an anime girl from League of Legends is so jarring it hurts they don’t even look like they’re from the same series.
yeah, i'm here for future scifi bandit, i'm here for her outfit, i don't mind what i saw of her gameplay, but just... the rest of her design just does nothing for me
yeah. hell she could keep the red eyes and white hair, it's the future, I'm sure people can choose that. it's just a pity she's another skinny white lady.
yeah i haven't really been a fan of overwatch character design at all but this is the point where i am yawning so hard that my jaw is starting to crack a little
The White Flat Hair is both easy to animate but also hard to shade. Which gives it a very... dead look? The styling is nice but it suffers the same problem that Halle Berry Storm wigs had.
without the heavy stereotypical villain makeup, the widow sameface isn't as obvious (idk if they did any other edits to her appearance) and it looks a lot more.... bandity if i'm honest?
i love fucking with gender and robots, so the designs that usually get put into place for robot ladies tend to kill me ;v; even when i otherwise love them as a character
until you make that 'choice' a big huge part of the character in a non objectifying way you cannot use the IT'S THEIR CHOIIIICE card on them, Commenters,
see, if they made this part of the lore, where she has a face on purpose to 'make her less scary than other omnics', that would be cool. Because I wouldn't be surprised if the emotionless omnic faces cause PTSD for survivors of the war
> Person: so you're sort of setting off veterans from the omnic war, we need to figure out how to give you a face so it's not as bad > Zen: okay hold on > Zen: /puts on Cthulhu head > Zen: how about this > Person: I -
also i'm trying to find that one story from twitter where this chick sent in a draft of her scifi story which featured an ai getting a crush on the latest scientist to his facility
and getting a thing back where the obviously dude beta was like "okay we have to change the ai into a woman and give her a sexy humanoid body and it should be like a spy thriller"
So at least with concept Mercy vs. canon Mercy there is a reason to make the character more european (putting the concept of angels in a region angel lore actually exists in). Which doesn't mean Mercy needed to be white, nor female. But it is... something. (But they could have also just made sure non-white non-female Mercy had a European accent and be good.)
The camera switching back and forth between McCree’s semi-realistic scruffy face and an anime girl from League of Legends is so jarring it hurts they don’t even look like they’re from the same series.
hell she could keep the red eyes and white hair, it's the future, I'm sure people can choose that.
it's just a pity she's another skinny white lady.
we could have had it all
shoutout to otherwindow
is actually more interested in Echo, but I understand you.it's almost like Blizzard kinda knows it's audience.> Zen: okay hold on
> Zen: /puts on Cthulhu head
> Zen: how about this
> Person: I -
An American character focused on healing and support feels OOCI mean-