Hello everyone! Designing Worlds is planning a discussion show about mesh in design. We'll be explaining how mesh is created, how it comes into Second Life, how it is used here. We'll be talking about licences, original mesh, full perm mesh, and mesh imported from third paty sites.
We'll also be talking about assemblage - combining mesh with textures and animations. We hope to talk to designers working with original mesh, full perm mesh, designers who create one or more elements but buy in other elements. We'll be talking about the pressures on designers.
This is NOT a witch hunt show. We are not planning to boost one type of designer at the expense of other types of designers. So we are inviting people to contact us if they'd like to take part in the show: designers, animaters, texturers, bloggers, shoppers ...
We want to give people the opportunity to learn about issues around mesh, and to explain them.