go rimbaud
[ps4 spider-man] it's fun to watch how this game will promise to wreak havoc on peter's guilt complex
go rimbaud
he's already blaming himself for a new gang (probably mr. negative?) moving in to fill the vacuum left by him helping a police raid on kingpin be successful
go rimbaud
but i'm thinking about the gameplay integration here
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like all the little research puzzles you have at the lab, and how they will definitely benefit otto when he becomes doc ock
why must you hurt me like this
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or the whole thing where you brought the oscorp surveillance towers back online for the police to populate your map
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and how being oscorp towers norman will definitely use them as the green goblin at some point
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but also i just want to laugh about norman being mayor for, like,
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the rest of time
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pollуαηηα : this is the curse of peter parker, if there is a way that a bad thing can be framed as his fault, he's probably going to think it is
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especially if jonah's on the radio talking about how it is
brave vesperia
YEAH as soon as i starting doing those lab puzzles i was like
brave vesperia
go rimbaud
just rubbing my hands together in anticipation of how much this is gonna hurt
oh man you have no idea
go rimbaud
another detail i really like is that harry set up all these research stations across the city to improve quality of life and monitor infrastructure failures, as a way to honor his mother's legacy, and norman just thinks of them as a vanity project
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peak osborns
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Time for some R&R. And by that I mean raisins and more raisins. i love the twitter feed
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how many outfits does peter keep in his bag at FEAST just so may won't see him wearing the same clothes every time he visits her
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now that i think about it, the other one i was thinking of was his lab shirt, cannot yet confirm there's more than one change at FEAST
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man, i was afraid he was going to end up being mr. negative
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man i would have thought osborn talking about military contracts to augment the police department might set off alarm bells in jjj's brain
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come on jonah you know better than that
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if you thought i wasn't going to wear the homemade costume to this halloween party you're just wrong
the winning move
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i've progressed enough that i have sidequest options now
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do i want to try doing some taskmaster challenges, beat up a few demon bases, or finish the tombstone mission
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(at least i'm guessing i'd be finishing it since this is the third one)
go rimbaud
i appreciate that they named pt2 after
What's he building in there?
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i hate that everything takes challenge tokens now, because the challenge quests are really hard
just wait till the fight at the end of them
papermint tiger
i love that spoken-word piece
go rimbaud
tom waits is good shit
go rimbaud
NOSFERATU! : you called him a superboss, no way it won't be a whole ass thing
you've already gotten a pretty good taste of it just imagine More
go rimbaud
it a drone bomb stealth combat challenge
i actually found the fight easier than the challenges
but fuck the challenges
they can burn in the hell in which they spawned
go rimbaud
even the combat challenges are rougher than most fights, mostly just because of the timer
i found the stealth ones the easiest because once you’ve found a path bam
go rimbaud
i gave up on the first stealth one i tried because i couldn't figure out how to separate two lookouts at the beginning
it took like a million tries yeah