capra hircus
Sooo character sexualities!
capra hircus
For the straightforward (heh) ones: Noodle was recently confirmed to be pan, and Santa is hinted by the developers to be either that or bi.
capra hircus
There are things which point to Kaito having a thing for men (especially taking the love hotel scene into account), but overall, it's a little unclear. I'd probably play him as bi if the issue ever came up!
capra hircus
And for the rest (Leon and Trent, for now), I just assume bi because hey, why not! Gotta make your own representation sometimes, you know? :3
Poinsettia 🌺
Oh my god you also play Space Boy
capra hircus
Oh my god, I do also play Starman.
capra hircus
I'm planning to enter him into a Redwall RP whenever it comes up, but I'm open to trying him around!
Poinsettia 🌺
Poinsettia 🌺
Starshine space Boy
capra hircus
It Nyanka