Zigzag Stampede
Vash and Kitty sitting on a ship K-I-S-S-I-N-G... oh, and some bouncy ball madness for Vash's birthday too I suppose
Zigzag Stampede
Now that has been done. Time to attack all the tags!
festive wooper
I will tag this in the morning
Zigzag Stampede
I hope Vision isn't concerned about dating in the work place
festive wooper
that would be hypocritical of him
Zigzag Stampede
Zigzag Stampede
Somehow the Twin Roses has become the SS Dating Your Coworkers
Zigzag Stampede
As clearly Yuri, Kurt, and Remy are in a threesome
Zigzag Stampede
and Sara and Milkuno are also secretly dating while selling tickets
Zigzag Stampede
As Makie sits quietly alone sipping tea going: I don't have a horse in this race, but I'm going to sit back and watch this madness unfold.
I think Kurt would literally fall off a wall if someone said that to him
✨ Skele-taur ✨