Zigzag Stampede
Vash and Kitty sitting on a ship K-I-S-S-I-N-G... oh, and some bouncy ball madness for Vash's birthday too I suppose
Zigzag Stampede
Now that has been done. Time to attack all the tags!
festive wooper
I will tag this in the morning (LOL)
Zigzag Stampede
I hope Vision isn't concerned about dating in the work place
festive wooper
that would be hypocritical of him :-P
Zigzag Stampede
Zigzag Stampede
Somehow the Twin Roses has become the SS Dating Your Coworkers
Zigzag Stampede
As clearly Yuri, Kurt, and Remy are in a threesome
Zigzag Stampede
and Sara and Milkuno are also secretly dating while selling tickets
Zigzag Stampede
As Makie sits quietly alone sipping tea going: I don't have a horse in this race, but I'm going to sit back and watch this madness unfold.
I think Kurt would literally fall off a wall if someone said that to him
✨ Skele-taur ✨