I don't think what Cheeky Pea was bad or wrong. As long as the TOS of the sites/products were followed then for me personally I don't care. The only thing that gets me is the "original mesh" aspect of it all. Now we all know CP is talented and can do her own mesh, & this isn't the point I'm trying to make. The thing is 90% of the furniture makers out
do this. Yes, they do. Start looking at 3D mesh sites, you will start recognizing a lot of shit. Again, I don't think it's inherently bad or wrong as long as TOS is followed. But when they are in events that are OM only, it kinda makes me mad, b/c NO TEMPLATES ARE ALLOWED and this is basically a template. In fact it's a finished product.
That is meant to be resold "as is". Of course it can be modded... but most often times it's not. I just wish we'd get over this stupid OM only requirement in events and just accept people who make nice shit regardless of the (legal) source.
True. The (legal) part is important tho.
it's the most important part
now if TOSes were violated, we are talking a whole different ballgame.
Little Sunshine
I believe it was against TOS of the sites, if what I read was right
see i missed that part
Little Sunshine
yea, it said specifically they items cant be used in secondlife
oh was the site turbosquid? i thought it was some russian site...but with russian sites...you can never be sure of
their idea of 'copyright' is very different to ours
Little Sunshine
Voshie : I think it was a mix of both
Are there even mesh sites that allow for an 'unlimited' amount of copies?
I had a look at textures to use, and already for something like textures it is incredible expensive if you want to use them for more than a single cup for yourself ... >.<
i honestly have no clue, as i don't work in furniture
i tend to buy monthly subs from sites, as it's MUCH cheaper that way than single purchases
tillie you would love sites like
Design Bundles | Free and Premium Design Resources
i get a LOT of my graphics from sites like this...esp in the monthly bundle deals FUUUUCK, you get a commercial license on bundles for like 25 bucks worth over 1500 bucks
and once you start looking around you will see a lot of others buy packs from these sites loool
I have no problem with what she did. She claimed to make a mistake and apologized. To me that’s fine. What bothers me is the nastiness of the anons where they try to rip her (and each other) apart. That’s just not nice. If you’re upset at what she did then.....don’t buy her stuff. Period. Move on.
No need to wish her “off the grid” and so forth. She has a right to earn a living just like anyone else. Let the consumer dollars determine what happens.
right and I agree, but it is coming to light that this wasn't just a recent thing, or a one off either but something that's been going on for years, and I can see where people feel betrayed and the fact that she did go against the meshes' TOS isn't right either. Do I think she deserves to be strung up? No. But I do think she needs to be held accountable.
(and when i first wrote this, i only knew the bare facts of things. And I still stand by my first statement, IF it weren't against a site's TOS then who cares...just don't call it OM and "YOUR" work)
she was buying content from sites not following their TOS, she was passing off that work as her own for events that EXPRESSLY forbade using prefab mesh- and outright lying when questioned about it, and she has a long history of accusing other home decor creators of not creating their own mesh.
Voshie : there is no if. It WAS against the TOS of both sites. That has been shown and verified further.
FREEarmStar🌟🎉 : it's kinda disturbing how you feel it's "nothing wrong" to commandeer someone elses work and against their wishes make a some money. To me that lack of ethics makes you no better than the nasty anons. Just because you come off nice doesn't make your reaction better. The people who made that mesh were trying to make a living also.
They have a right to sell their items with in the limits imposes on that site. Yet you feel someone else's right to make a living should out weigh the right of the original artist? That's kinda fucked up. Being in SL and knowing so many artists it's really sad to see so many people like you have no respect for them and their work.
☆Lourdes☆ my understanding was she bought the mesh that was permitted for use in resale. So this isn’t an issue as I see it. I understand that it was against tos to use it in SL. That was the problem. The event issue is just a whole other thing that’s up to the event coordinators.
My stance is let the consumer market determine the sales.
She apologized so I forgive her and move on. I hear it’s happened before. Again I say let the consumer demand determine the outcome. We all have fucked up. We all deserve to be forgiven. Is this issue more critical than others in life? Maybe maybe not. Let the consumers decide. Am I “ok” that she did this? No. But I forgive and move forward.
I just woke up. I don’t think I’m coherent enough yet. LOL
I have tremendous respect for all the talented people I know and respect for their work. I also have tremendous forgiveness for people that fuck up.
Andel Rhiadra
There is a lot that people don't know because they're not reading everything. It was wrong for a lot of reasons and has been going on for a longtime. :/
Nope. It was against TOS for the items she used. She also lied when she got caught and lied in her apology by saying she only used pieces from 3d websites when there are full sets dating back years that were not her work. Forgive her if you want, but most of us will not be.
Also, the anon's.. augh. I dislike them. They bring out the worst in people, but I think creators have every right to be pissed off about this.
Andel Rhiadra
[Fetch] : Agreed
Customer's should be pissed off too tbh, but she's never going to tell her customers what she did :'D
I feel quite touched by your statement to be honest. "90% of furniture makers out do this". I would never do that because what would it bring to my life? I love creating things from the scratch also learning new things step by step. I think you gotta invest tons of patience but you will get further as reward. This act is purely something unimagible to me.
☆Lourdes☆ the if part was a hypothetical situation when it would be ok, not this one XD sorry sometimes I'm not good at expressing my thoughts clearly
vespertine I agree, it's really saddening when they say they are the makers and get into OM events, and then there are designers who are being vilified for using templates and being honest about it. Not EVEN touching on the brands (single designers or teams) who ARE the true definition of OM.
"The thing is 90% of the furniture makers out...
do this. Yes, they do. Start looking at 3D mesh sites, you will start recognizing a lot of shit." maybe because we all use the same real life references. But I don't believe 90 percent of us upload meshes
Obviously colleen you aren't in the 90%, but look at a lot of the new furniture makers out there. They are coming out of no where with HUGE collections all OM in these events. (not talking big events, but the smaller ones)
so yes i do NOT think 90% is an exageration
Colleen : I guess only person who sees it from surface could only say that and it is very insensitive. Thats why there is a lot of support coming especially from people who are not designers. Nobody would ever rather try and create something.. noo lets pat her on the back and wait until she will learn. It will be overnight she change for sure.
and i'm NOT supporting her, if you read the entire plurk, when i first made the statement i had ONLY seen her apology
not everything else
as what happens when finding out about things, your opinion evolves
noo sorry i need to learn to @ people XD
i sometiems remember but most time not
Colleen I apologize that you take offense to that comment but it obviously wasn't directed at you. HOwever this IS an example how one bad egg can taint the others who ARE innocent. Which is NOT fair
Voshie I guess it bothered me a bit because people have accused me of the same thing until they were pointed to compare the wireframe of or meshes or video of cloth simulation etc etc.
:-(( <3333 to you both. it's like the cheating husband accusing his wife of cheating syndrome
Little Sunshine
Wait, the models are still for sale? They havent been removed?
leilany | meme
Little Sunshine Yes, they are
I totally misunderstood what was going on. I thought that she purchased full perm items off MP. As many many many creators do, to emphasize their items. It's been done by sooo many, that I just assumed that is what she meant. I had no idea it was as intricate as a 3d site that didn't allow it. Strange. The start of the plurk, made it sound as though,
they were full perm items, to enhance her meshes.
I am so confused, I will have to talk to someone to get a clearer picture. I don't see what is wrong with combining items, as long as the TOS allows.
runatsurine: Right, but when this first started, the way it was worded at the start, I assumed she purchased items from MP. As many creators in sl do. It wasn't til I woke up this morning, that I found out about the 3rd party sites.
runatsurine: That's what I meant by, saying, if it is within TOS, then I agree but, I removed my support once I found out it wasn't.
SoHawtSL : she was still putting those models she did not make in events that expressly specified original mesh only, and claiming them as her own original work. so even if she had the rights to use them, she was still misrepresenting her work, and lying to people.
Allegory : I understand now. My mother told me about what is happening. When she first posted, I knew nothing about all of this. So, I commented a supportive comment but, I removed it once I found out that it wasn't MP full perm stuff. I feel bad for everyone involved. I hope it all works out for everyone.
Allegory : And I also didn't realize she had been doing it for years, until I woke up yesterday and found out. hugs.
Voshie : will have a look. :-)
Hey Lourdes and Kess, since you can't delete this, tell me (any everyone who wonders) why do you removed ALL posts on your SLSecrets page that has to do with BlueBerry? or Strawberry Singh?
vespertine totally which makes them as bad as the trash they put on their web page
CheatersNliars : Geeze. I'm starting to wonder if you can't read, have comprehension problems or you are just plain dumb as a rock. So I'll go over it again and try to use small words so you and your friends will GET IT!
kesseret and I run SL Secrets. Its our site. We can remove any and all comments that we wish. We can remove comments about anyone at any time for any reason. There is no free speech on SL Secrets. We do not owe you an explanation on why we chose to remove or delete comments. If you don't like it, too fucking bad.
vespertine : you have proof Miss Disney thief? If so, show me the receipts.
Was something said, I can't hear ignorant folk. To address Voshie - 90 percent of humans in SL creating take inspiration from RL items. A few will use licensed parts (appropriately licensed) or will pay someone to create for them agreeing in a contract. But no one should be taking items unlicensed and importing them into SL.
I will say this, vespertine learned from her mistake, she said so herself and moved on. (I believe vespertine and I already had this discussion).
I still think it's strange folks still wishing her to die in a fire after 4 days, don't you all have better things to do? (you all as in general, not you all directly)
Why is that strange? We got a crazy following us around the internet demanding to know why we moderate our site the way we want to. So of course people take it to extremes. However unless someone is about to show up at her house with a gas can and a lighter I'd just move on.
Most of these folks can't even get out of bed let alone leave the house and commit arson.
True. I love how folks always want to dictate you how to spend your money when they, themselves, probably don't work and make a dime.
As for Miss Disney thief, she said the same shit everyone else says when they get caught. I am sure she is sorry and has moved on. However unless she has proof to back up her bullshit, she isn't in a good place to toss out accusations.
fair point. Everything is 1s and 0s until someone shows up on the doorstep. (PS: I hope you know what Castle Doctrine is when you show up on mine)
What vespertine did was not the same as this cheeky pea bullshit at all. And as far as your trashy website, we all know you get paid to vett the comments to your liking so basically it’s just a load of lies and bullshit — end of