Lesbian Manowar
[The Naked Apron] In better news, an ultra spicy batch is going https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DihPq4-UEAIwzL5.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DihPq5WUEAEn5n6.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DihPsstVMAEdtqQ.jpg
Lesbian Manowar
it's the basic sauce plus fresh habaneros, dried japones/guajillo peppers, and a few drops of ghost pepper oil
Lesbian Manowar
i'll make sure i toss the chilis in the dehydrator too
Lesbian Manowar
well no since they've been near raw meat, i'll toss in some fresh ones at the end tho
Lesbian Manowar
this one's all yours hrairoo
Lesbian Manowar
if u need it my paypal is maid(dot)mistress(at)gmail(dot)com and i dont estimate it being more than $10 for shipping
Lesbian Manowar
and yeah i tasted the marinade before i dumped raw meat in it and wow
Rogal Dorn
haha I fucked up and didn't know how uch it would be for shipping!
Rogal Dorn
I just randomly sent you money and figured we'd figure out shipping later :-P
Lesbian Manowar
yeah jerky is usually about $10ish, sauce can be a bit more or less depending, it's usually weight x distance
Lesbian Manowar
if it's exported it's more insuring the food that costs
Lesbian Manowar
it's easier if i use post office specific boxes but those can cost and such, this is more at first gathering ingredients/labor costs but whatever's fine really
Rogal Dorn
I gave you enough to make the sauce and it's not like you have an address yet for my buddy zipeto anyway, I showed him what you're making and he's like "I'm going to die and also love it."
Rogal Dorn
that boy loves his spicy
Lesbian Manowar
it smells beautiful
Lesbian Manowar
i should have stuff jarred and ready to go by monday or tuesday at the latest, i got some upcoming appointments and such but nothing super invasive