Horny on Main
Oh man is it unpopular fandom opinion time again
Horny on Main
Final : SMTVI's designs suck
Horny on Main
wait you said umpopular
Horny on Main
SMTIV is way too hard and I regret buying it, how's that
Horny on Main
at least strange journey didn't start fucking with me in the prologue
the lack of a defense stat really sucked
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I also really hate all the toky demons
Horny on Main
Horny on Main
sentai then?
Horny on Main
the guest artist does monster designs for semtai shows like Kamem Rider etc.
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pretend I can actually spell
Persona 3.
Horny on Main
lucineblue : Persona 3
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Horny on Main
Everyone dying is on-theme with the whole game
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People complaining Mitsuru only use Marin Karin don't know how to use the orders system properly
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I cried real hard more than once while playing this game
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wait that last one is not unpopular
Horny on Main
Castlevania: ...
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I'm really not sure
Horny on Main
From the fics I read I think OT3 > OTP Trev/Alu is probably unpopular
Horny on Main
How about "Trevor can totally read and he knows Latin" because in a world where holy things actually work I think the Belmonts would start teaching their kids Latin right off the bat
Horny on Main
Also Trevor relates how one of his uncles got into a fistfight with a Speaker over the matter of WRITING THEIR GODDAMN SHIT DOWN so yeah the Belmonts including Trevor are totally literate
Horny on Main
Sorry fans of "Trevor is dumb as a brick vs Alucard the bookworm"
Horny on Main
Also if Alucard and Trevor are any smart, given the Ottoman rule of the time, Arabic is not foreign to them
Persona 5
Horny on Main
Horny on Main
Horny on Main
Atlus what did you do
Horny on Main
You had such an amazing and powerful start
Horny on Main
and then you dropped the ball, lost it forever, and retreated to the perceived safety of pandering to gross cishet otakus
cishet male otakus
Horny on Main
I thought male was implied in otakus but yeah
Horny on Main
it's all about the gross dudes
In Germany otakus are also femal
Horny on Main
Don't get me wrong, I love Persona 5 to bits
(There'S gross female otakus and gross male otakus, I'm surprised it'S so evened out)
Horny on Main
I am very critical of its shortcomings because I love it so much
aren't we all
Horny on Main
well I am also very critical of Detroit but that's because it and David Cage deserve to be shit on day and night
Horny on Main
Horny on Main
Persona 5 started by ascending a huge moutain then tripped and tumbled all the way down and then into a ravine
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Horny on Main
TDE is not the One True Valid ending and yes it is edgy as fuck
Horny on Main
The English fandom really doesn't get Hikawa and his Reason of Forced Nirvana
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Horny on Main
Collector Manikin is super cute
Horny on Main
all the Manikins are cute in fact
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well okay except that one
the one who shall not be named
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The one who can't dress or do his hair
Horny on Main
Chiaki might be evil but damn if she didn't use the possibilities offered by the Vortex to the max
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She's one of the few powerful Megaten women who is not initially a demon and really the only one in Nocturne
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Yuko Takao Did Everything Wrong.
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Danteshu is not the best thing since sliced bread
Auntie Nyx, what was Hikawa's reason?
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Horny on Main
Man in harmony with Nature
? The wiki says "A world of silence"
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world of silence, without emotions
Horny on Main
I was getting thete lol
Horny on Main
Horny on Main
Hikawa basically wanna impose a lesser buddhahood on everyone
sounded to me like Nihilism
Horny on Main
He did founded the Assembly of Nihilo
Horny on Main
I want to explain in more details but time and character constraints
Horny on Main
do it
Horny on Main
I have to translate more gallons of paints weeeh
Horny on Main
he basically wanted to create a universe of instrumentality :Va
if you know Eva stuff
devoid of passion and separation, where all are equal and the same.
it's like the usual shit Law kinda? but more focused on there being no boundaries between people and less about worshiping Shit-giant-head-face or his Angels.
this way there's no pain or suffering, though no real joy either. just unending peace and tranquilaty
of course, he was willing to be an utter douchebag to get that
Horny on Main
You could say he had strong emotions about making this come true, since all three human Reasons are about being hypocritical as all get out
Horny on Main
Also I know nothing about EVA except Get in the robot Shinji
Horny on Main
It's a very bouddhist kinda view of things
Basically instrumentality returns all human bodies to primordial tang coloured ooze, and all sense of individuality is erased. You are no one, but you are everyone; you have no way of defining yourself from everyone else. Everyone gets stuck in a huge mind soup basically.
Horny on Main
A very EW way to go about "Brahma is all and all is Brahma" if I may take a step sideway in my religious references
Horny on Main
But yeah after years of thinking this game over Hikawa strikes me as a very spiritually unsatisfied man
basically, yeah
he was both Messian and Gaean and neither side had exactly what he wanted
but I wonder if the fact that 'all reasons are hypocritical' is also a good commentary on the fact the world it'self feels contradictary
Horny on Main
Hikawa is also wearing buddhist prayer beads around his wrist
Horny on Main
I had not considered that part but it could be!
Horny on Main
also, isn't being contradictory part of what free will is all about?
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and the vortex is basically a ploy by Giant Facebutt to take free will away
Horny on Main
(there's a reason Lucifer congratulates you in the Neutral Human ending)
Saturn Is A Tea
This is making me feel like along my Epic SMT Backlog Clearing Session I really need to go back and hit Nocturne again after I finish DDS/2
Horny on Main
Horny on Main
Saturn Is A Tea
(now I wanna see Seraph and Hikawa meet and witness the ensuing fireworks)
Horny on Main
Saturn Is A Tea
Horny on Main
Trying to imagine what would happen there
Saturn Is A Tea
(that as with many fascination conversations in SMT, ends in an Aggressive Disagreement)
Saturn Is A Tea
I almost feel like with how it's so close to everything going on with Seraph, it'd almost be sad in a sense,
Horny on Main
now wondering if Hikawa ever tried Hinduism
Saturn Is A Tea
Like a "you're this close to getting it" kind of deal,
Saturn Is A Tea
but the ends do not justify the means
Saturn Is A Tea
And Hikawa does not strike me as a man that can be talked down
Horny on Main
Horny on Main
I mean that's why Nocturne's plot even exists
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Hikawa will not be talked into unclimbing in the curtains
Saturn Is A Tea
so I feel like it'd be a fascinating conversation that ends in "so can we do this without killing the world" "nope" "well shit"
Horny on Main
TBF a lot of conversation involving Seraph and a Megaten main character would be fascinating and made possible because seraph will not started ripping heads off
Saturn Is A Tea
It really would be XD Like, Seraph'll throw hands if they have to,
Saturn Is A Tea
But they're pretty much never gonna swing first
Horny on Main
Saturn Is A Tea
Also, Seraph might have their own beliefs on the grand scheme of things, but even then
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heck Seraph didn't swing first at freaking Brahma
Saturn Is A Tea
Seraph's "acceptable collateral threshold" is "nobody"
Horny on Main
you know which other Megatem protag would have done the same? NONE.
Horny on Main
Everyone in the protag room would've punched Brahma in all their faces on sight
Saturn Is A Tea
Like that's the interesting thing about Seraph really, with how slow they are to resort to violence it's like
Saturn Is A Tea
If you're fighting Seraph?
Saturn Is A Tea
You fucked the fuck up
i found a good quote about persona 5
Saturn Is A Tea
also hi yes I am probably going to wind up with a Seraph journal
Persona 5 felt like a movie (Palace 1) followed by a spinoff TV series (everything else). The first dungeon is a complete story in-of itself which resolves its themes and character arcs. The reset just...continues, adding more world building and upping the stakes but struggling to find more to say.
Horny on Main
Saturn Is A Tea : Like whoa.
Horny on Main
Walker : That makes a lot of sense actually
Horny on Main
I wonder if Arc 2 is when they began bringing new writers in
honestly i was kind of upset that none of the shadow bosses in P5 were ever as on-point as Shadow Kamoshida was
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Horny on Main
First arc too stronk
feels to me like playing the first palace is at least worth it
and I know what you mean about P3 vanilla (or at least, FES without the Answer) But I... still love P3P more... Junpei's social link is too good...