Spider Hider
I have eaten Thai food. It was more money than I should have spent but I goddamn well did it and I love living in a real city
thai food is so good
Spider Hider
My roommate said it was mediocre Thai food. Whatever, I experienced bliss.
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And it was American size portions so I have a second meal of it for tomorrow!
excellent good thai food can be very expensive
Spider Hider
I've still just landed and I'm exploring and don't wanna habituate myself to the first of anything I find but I'll probably go back there when the budget permits.
there’s a lot of great food out here!
completely different culinary landscape than out east
Spider Hider
I'm from the Midwest, not the east. The phrase "culinary landscape" gives Missouri way too much credit.
fff haha
i’ve lived out here too long, anything east of utah or maybe colorado is “east” to me
Spider Hider
Interestingly the Audubon field guides divide North America into eastern and western regions at the Rockies.
Spider Hider
Little bookstore trivia for you.
seems legit