The new Tableau Vivant hairbases are Omega, so you can definitely wear the Catwa one on Lelutka, and vice versa.
Dani Graphelle
I just don’t like that they apply to the tattoo layer on the Lelutka head. Wish there was a way to actually have them apply to the hair base later
Dani Graphelle
Dani Graphelle : that. 200%.
As it was explained to me by the lovely IzzieButton, LeLutka doesn’t use the same UV for their hair base layer. Therefore it’s a whole different work they’d have to do. So I understand the designer’s will to make things easier for themselves, but it annoys me to no end not to be able to wear a hair base AND beauty marks.
Dani Graphelle
Rose yeah. I found a few nice substitutes, but yeah it’d be nice to have it mapped to the hair base layer so I could wear beauty marks, highlighter, blush etc as well
Yeah... bakes on mesh will solve this but I want my Lelutka tattoo layer for other things in the meantime :-(