The Fool
[work, ableism, mental illness issues] Got a lecture at work today that triggered me pretty badly.
The Fool
I know I have to do all the "how to advocate for myself in this situation" work tomorrow, but tonight honestly I just want to vent.
The Fool
Like, for reference, I work super fucking hard.
The Fool
My actual supervisor, the deli manager, calls me and Mal her "A team", the store manager has been going on for the whole year I've worked there about me being a great closer, the bakery and deli managers both joke about me being "the boss" because I will work through all their bullshitting and make them feel shamed into working (LOL)
The Fool
So there isn't a real "problem" about my work.
The Fool
I went through a period where I was missing a lot of work because of my health, but I haven't missed in a while.
The Fool
So there's no real reason for anyone to be like "YOU DON'T WORK" or "YOU'RE A BAD WORKER" or anything at me.
The Fool
But I'm a part-time employee who works full-time hours a lot because of understaffing.
The Fool
And I'm a second-shift worker who has problems with health that increase when I get tired, which can be a bad combination.
The Fool
Tonight I got chewed out by a manager for complaining about long days/not wanting to work long days, particularly like "in comparison to" another coworker.
The Fool
Said coworker is the assistant manager of my dept and is older than I am.
The Fool
And she did indeed work really long hours today and is STILL going to open the dept tomorrow.
The Fool
So like.
The Fool
The Fool
but the whole "this older person does this thing, so you should be able to do the same thing" logic does not... work.
Oh I Loath that logic -_-
The Fool
like I can't talk about S's health situation because I don't fucking know her health situation. I don't know if working long hours is bad for her or if she's putting herself in some kind of danger doing so.
The Fool
What I do know is that I am in danger working long hours.
The Fool
................................I'm going be a ball of hissing spitting rage at that logic over here.
hugs you in the meantime
The Fool
hahaha yeah I'm pretty rage-y too
The Fool
Like, I know it's stupid ableist bullshit, I do
The Fool
But at the same time, it was pretty triggering, because being told "YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO THIS THING" is something that has happened to me my whole life
The Fool
and I can't?
(I often view "health" similarly to how I view finances, and financial debt. Some of us are born with more 'health debt' than others and so for us, just getting to break even can be a challenge. While others START at 0 and can go up or down...)
The Fool
Like, I've been working more hours than I really should (particularly more hours in a row/long shifts), and I've been kind of getting by?
The Fool
But I've also had a lot of really bad nights and sometimes been in actual danger because of it.
curls around protectively and cuddles you
The Fool
Like, I can't do this forever.
The Fool
And I absolutely don't need to be told that saying "I can't do this forever" or "I need to go home now" is unacceptable
The Fool
And I hate that it triggers me?
The Fool
Like, it bothers me that I can know a thing is wrong and still hate myself and get scared and freaked out and upset about it.
The Fool
The Fool
Because there's always the part of my brain saying "that's right, you just suck" or "that's right, you're just a waste of space'
The Fool
But I'm a really fucking hard worker, I just... happen to also be sick.
The Fool
And me having a part time rather than a full time job (despite that not being the best financial decision for myself) is necessary because of my health problems.
shinotenshi22 entirely different note, THANK YOu. for putting that into words.
The Fool
Hmm? which thing?
that feeling of "Like, it bothers me that I can know a thing is wrong and still hate myself and get scared and freaked out and upset about it."
That is so much more coherant and explains something I deal with a LOT
so...thank you
as much as this all has sucked
The Fool
The Fool
I'm glad it helps you <3
The Fool
It's a really frustrating thing though, isn't it?
The Fool
How like... logic doesn't stop the reaction?
Oh god it is
The Fool
Like, okay, I realize the manager who lectured me is obviously just...
shinotenshi22 able to be on discord for typing?
if that's okay? (I don't wanna share the next part all over your plurk)
and if you are not, that is also cool
The Fool
not that knowledgeable about health stuff/invisible illness/mental illness/etc
The Fool
I can try. Lemme go see.
I could try voice, if needed... but typing is often easier. and I don't wanna 'lean' on you if you're not up for it at all
it's nothing urgent, just you might be able to help me put in words
The Fool
So I'm sure she just doesn't really fucking know what she's talking about, and that it doesn't really reflect on me?
The Fool
But I still got triggered.
The Fool
And went into "I'm a terrible person for being sick" mode, mentally
The Fool
Even though a friend had JUST reassured me about the same thing re: parenting today (LOL)
The Fool
So it's frustrating that I like KNOW that this manager was wrong and stupid and ill-informed, but I couldn't stop the "Getting upset" part of things.
Oh that's awful. I'd react badly, too, tbh.
The who "You should be able to do that because I said so" thing is terrible.
It’s another bullshit instance of how people who don’t understand mental illness just steamroll over basic human decency
The Fool
Hnnng yeah people are just stupid
The Fool
she doubled down on it today when I said something to her too
The Fool
and I mentioned "I have both mental and physical issues and little to no access to care for them"
The Fool
but she's just like BUT THIS OTHER PERSON CAN DO IT
The Fool
I think what annoys me most is that like... I work really fucking hard, and EVERYONE KNOWS THAT
The Fool
but my one concern of "too many hours makes me sick" still pisses this manager off
The Fool
The Fool
I'm gonna talk to store manager next time I see him