Doge-lover Joja
>Any suggestions, internet? | I'D FUCKING PA...
If there is one thing I can agree on, it's that if a person is able to keep their own politics out of their work, and simply make it for the sake of enjoyment by others, then do not condemn their work for their politics.
Doge-lover Joja
Is Planefag a conservative? Yes, and while he mocks the idealism of the left he isn't a baby eater and can tell right from wrong.
Doge-lover Joja
Does that mean I as a leftist can no longer enjoy Strike Witches Quest and its madcap adventures? Hell no, and fuck you for trying to tell me what to like.
Doge-lover Joja
Granted, this line of thinking is in no way readily applicable to people who have done genuinely terrible things, that's a completely different debate that I don't want to get into
Doge-lover Joja
The US versus THEM mentality is really only applicable in certain situations, a decent person's fictional works isn't one of them
Doge-lover Joja
That's all