well when she finds out Jack's been going a whiiiiile without, she'll be the first to volunteer and be like "WHY WOULD YOU HOLD OUT ON US" Unless Martha/others beat her to it
And Martha would probably be okay with never shagging the Doctor, as long as whatever they end up having is mutual and loving. So don't worry on Martha's account.
I also think she's got too strong a sense of self-preservation to get in that tangle with him and Rose. She loves him, and wants something with him, but something that is theirs.
Nod. I'm not sure yet how much that means things that are only theirs and how much it means "some form of ongoing and consistent acknowledgement that she is more than a pal"
if you were trapped in a cabin in the forest during the winter and there's only one blanket - do you hog the blanket or curl with your friend and share the blanket
Idk. I think that while M is way less polyamorous by nature, she's also much more considered about her relationships. She'd be going into this knowing that she's sharing, and that means she's not going to be one and only for anything, so what's going to matter is time (not even equal time) just when they're together, that's theirs.
and he sort of wants to just run away from all of them - but they'll follow him to the end of the universe - literally and there's not a lot of places to run too in game; but also doesn't because pushing them all away didnt do him all t hat good eitehr in the end
In my head, Martha just kissed him on the forehead and said, "It doesn't take much to make someone feel loved. A text that asks how a person is, or says you're thinking about them may be enough."
Rose is, and was the only child in a one-parent household. So while she may have felt smothered, her relationship with Jackie was one and only for both of them
which may be part of what makes it hard for her, is that she's trying to be a good friend/sister-wife/whatever but it's hard not to grab at everything. Plus, let's be real, of all of them, she has the most reason to feel that way about him.
But I don't think she can sustain that kind of jealousy with both of them there, because she knows how he feels about Rose and she wants him to be happy.
Yes! Which is completely understandable of Martha to be jelo of Rose when Rose isnt there because he made those side comments once in awhile; "Rose would know" or something like that without thinking
I'm way more aware of it than the show was, but Martha's objection to blondes comes from living in a culture where blondes are the height of beauty and she can never be a blonde. While it would never occur to him to discriminate by race, she's always-already suffering from it. And Rose being blonde just made it worse.
So, I feel like her experience of the Year That Never Was made her so much stronger in realizing that was her mission. And she feels, rightly or wrongly, that it wasn't one that Rose could do. So she can either walk away from the romantic aspect of her feelings for him, and do so without anger. Or she can develop something that works for her--
I'm not sure yet, but I don't think so, particularly. At least not as it concerns Ten? It's weird. She's sort of halfway between where she was head over heels for him and when she walked away. So she's not sure yet what emotional rights she has to be jealous about 10. She's the latecomer, so...
Right. Yeah. No, he doesn't know. But it's part of Martha's complex. Fortunately, I think that's one she can actually explain. Because she knows it's not him and he doesn't need to do anything to fix it.
But yeah, I'm actually really looking forward to seeing Martha and Ten get a chance to talk about some of her stuff in a way that's not so incredibly fraught because he's not the only person in her life.
Oi she said it's not that it can't be platonic individually it's that it adds up - Also if 10 wants to run away from everyone he could start with letting Rose run - DOUBLE ALSO: YEEEEES Rose only JUST got her baby brother and as she told 10/11/12 / Jack / she wanted him her whole life (ditto father), got him and was jealous af
he cant start with Rose because Ten thinks Rose is gonna go at the drop of a hat because she keeps leavng when he needs her; aka when he was dying, when he came back from dying that day and when Martha shows up again
But he's been moooooooooostly more resilient? And clearly would rather put up with her being a surly temperament bitch but by her side than let her go sulk without him so
- Also if 10 wants to run away from everyone he could start with letting Rose run
- DOUBLE ALSO: YEEEEES Rose only JUST got her baby brother and as she told 10/11/12 / Jack / she wanted him her whole life (ditto father), got him and was jealous af