The British Dental Association’s leader has accused homeless people of being “no-hopers” and suggested it was sometimes acceptable to deny them treatment.
“These are difficult patients who rarely complete a course of treatment and attend irregularly if at all,” he wrote to a colleague. “If we took in all the no-hopers who ring us ... I suspect we’d miss our targets by a country mile.”
數百名英格蘭與威爾斯的街友不是被罰錢就是被關到監牢裡 - 衛報社會版頭條(2018-5-20)
#權貴嘴臉 #無家可歸遊民街友流浪漢 #英國社會議題 #不食人間煙火 #反移民 #托利黨嘴臉
#拒絕醫治 #醫勞權益 #契約