-Immigrant prisons and jails are holding people for longer periods of time under the Trump administration compared to the Obama administration. In 2017, the average length of stay at these prisons and jails was 34 days, compared to 22 days in 2016.
-It’s costing each Washington resident $145.19 in taxpayer dollars, per day, to detain people, while it’s costing each California resident $144.35 per day — the most out of any state.
-The states with the largest number of people in U.S. immigration detention per day include Texas (15,852), California (6,527), Arizona (3,869), Georgia (3,717), and Louisiana(3,143).
Quick stats on immigrant detention:
-Over 60 percent of people are held in privately run immigrant prisons.
我常常聽到有人抱怨錢浪費在難民身上,就沒聽過有人抱怨軍費預算安的太多, 祈禱台灣不會有成為難民國的一天吧!!