Bixmas Cheer
Work: whelp. I offended a Fox news Republican over lunch today
Bixmas Cheer
Anytime anyone ever asks me if im watching something on the tv in the break room because they want to change it: "go ahead, anything but Fox news."
Bixmas Cheer
He got mad
hahahaha congrats
sentient gate
you should be proud
Bixmas Cheer
"Why not??" "I don't like listening to hateful stupidity, and there's a plethora of other channels to watch." "Jesus Christ." "Jesus has nothing to do with it, really." "God." "neither does God, he doesn't have a tv either."
....oh very well done
Bixmas Cheer
I was not going to drop the "I'm not Christian." Bomb
sentient gate
i would like to subscribe to your newsletter
hahahahaha omg yes, that is beautiful
Bixmas Cheer
It mostly consists of cooking tips, yelling about fabric and how to mostly politely tell people they're morons.
Bixmas Cheer
Also, weird stories about things either me or my family has done