JavaWinters 😷
The Godmother
Because I want to know the name of that song that was playing....especially on Empire.
The Godmother
Because I can't hear over the AC and the ceiling fan.
Because I’m listening to a German-language show where they’re interviewing English-speaking guests, then dubbing over the English with German… (LOL)
The Godmother
Because on Days of Our Lives, one of the characters had multiple personalities and, at first, it was hard to tell which personality was "out" at the moment.
JavaWinters 😷
The Godmother
Because Eye Kant Spel and sometimes want to know the meaning of a new (to me) word.
JavaWinters 😷
Because it's late at night and I don't want the neighbors to think I'm having sex.
because I can't hear over the tinnitus unless the volume's cranked.