Cami Mahovlich
Ok, so, I have no issue with people who enjoy roleplay, however, I do not understand those that come to SL and are in a roleplay character all the time and pretend to be someone else all the time. Being myself is enough work lol.

Alicia ✿
I feel like for those people, the ones who never break character, that is who they really feel like they are, and being "real" is more of a roleplay.

I RP 90% of my SL time.. but yes, it’s where I can feel more like myself.

And by RP, I don’t mean constant paragraph long posts.. that would be tiring. Haha

Cami Mahovlich
Alicia ✿
: I don't understand I suppose because I can only be one person. I'm not exactly talking about those who want to be kids/ or a mom etc here because at the end of the day you are still connecting with a real live person.

Cami Mahovlich
: I guess for me it just means pretend? telling me I keep my sl and rl separate and I roleplay says that they don't come to sl to make real connections. That is their choice, but I dont really connect well with those.

Cami Mahovlich
I think it's when they say I don't blend the lives and I just RP then I dont know what is or isn't true

Cami Mahovlich
Ok, I dont think this guy even knows what he's talking about lol

I guess it just depends what you come to SL for. I know the connections I make are real even if the details of the relationship are made up, I’ve made some actual great friends through RP.

Cami Mahovlich
: and they know all about your rl? and you communicate out of world? I'm not judging even if this dude thought I was, but when someone tells me I separate my lives and I only come here to roleplay that says to me they are just looking to pretend. Where as I'm just me all the time.

Alicia ✿
I do know some people that I adore but that I don't really know much about outside of their SL. It breaks their immersion to talk about RL too much and I'm okay with that. But if you're someone who likes to blend a lot of things, then they're just not your person.

Some people know about my RL and we chat on Discord/FB. I don’t hide anything and share info if people ask. Most of them are just in SL friendships and that’s cool with me too.

Cami Mahovlich
Alicia ✿
: Yes that was my point to this person. I have learned over the years I do better with those that are just themselves.

Cami Mahovlich
I think the problem was he didnt' present it very well, he was like well I just roleplay all the time, and I can only go by my experience in SL not other people.

Cami Mahovlich
: Yes I'm that way too. I have people I know very well and others not much at all and I'm ok with that too. As long as someone is upfront and genuine with me that is what matters most.

Alicia ✿
There are some people I have met where I would have rather they just RP and not tell me about their life.
Because it's not as much fun to me when someone is all RL, all the freakin' time in SL. Like, let's play and have some fun being virtual. Not talk about nothing but bad life choices.

Cami Mahovlich
Alicia ✿
: Oh I hear you there. You mean you wouldnt want trainwreck and slowjoe hanging around? LOL sorry had to

Cami Mahovlich
this plurk has really been helpful to me, maybe I need to talk about this topic more to get a better understanding of it. I've never judged it, I just dont understand very well if that makes sense.

Alicia ✿

Alicia ✿
yes! I get irritated sometimes if I’m actively RPing with someone and they just blabber about RL.. like save it for later or something. Ruins the mood. Lol

Alicia ✿
I actually had this problem a bit with our former child in SL. It was a LOT of RL when we were attempting to have a more SL-immersed evening, and that just kinda throws people off their game.

Alicia ✿
We had plenty of time normally to chat about our day to day life. But sometimes you just want to play.

Cami Mahovlich
Alicia ✿
: I understand that completely

For sure.

I used to roleplay a lot, but I had a rule, that is everything in IM is OOC while open chat was roleplay. And of course I only roleplayed in RP sims or during pre-arranged scenes. That was what I was comfortable with, and if other people didn't like it, well I could just avoid them

For some people, that's why they're in SL. I'd only feel for them if they were spending their lives doing it and neglecting RL. But that goes for RPers and non-RPers in SL equally.

Cami Mahovlich
: which I understand, but, it's not a good match for me personally, or usually.