all day sucker
cleaning my room in preparation for my dad's arrival and it is really difficult to throw things away when you are a low-key hoarder?
all day sucker
like, in theory, yes, I could just buy new bubble wrap or tissue paper on the off chance that I need some in the future
all day sucker
but also, this slightly used wrap and paper is right here? it's fine? shouldn't I keep it?
all day sucker
or all these small cardboard boxes? or the half-eaten box of fancy marshmallows that were best by August 2015?
all day sucker
or the headphones I got replaced since they don't work, but what if I kept them anyway? or the eight thousand earbud pads that don't fit in my ears but throwing them out would be a waste?
all day sucker
or every rubber band or twist tie that's ever been in my house? what if I needed it someday...?
all day sucker
(I am making my roommate give yea or nay on the things I would tell other people to throw away since they are trash)
all day sucker
(I am keeping a lot of the bubble wrap anyway, but at least I recognize the problem)
all day sucker
I also have put things on my walls for the first time since I lived in tokyo
all day sucker
incidentally, they are the same things I put on my walls in Tokyo
all day sucker
third year in, I guess I can decorate...sortof...
all day sucker
I was hoping to get curtains since there is both light leakage and temperature leakage through the window in my room but buying a double curtain rod is expensive and curtains are also expensive and also I'm a little too short to get them high enough! Maybe I can con Dad and/or Pierre into taking care of it while they are here :')
all day sucker
Anyway, I guess things are as tidy as they're gonna get and I've tossed as many things as my poor heart can stand, so I probably should get back to freelance work...sigh
all day sucker
...........I'm sorry my life is real boring; sometimes the existential crises are about legit things and other times they're just about how could I possibly throw away a perfectly good paperclip
Ah the pain of tossing borderline useless items