以下節錄蘿莉塔原文: And I catch myself thinking that our long journey had only defiled with a sinuous trail of slime the lovely, trustful, dreamy, enormous country that by then, in retrospect, was no more to us than a collec- tion of dog-eared maps, ruined tour books, old tires, and her sobs in the night—every night, every night—the moment I feigned sleep.
以下節錄HH在第一次提到小妖精的時候的說法: Between the age limits of nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travelers, twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature which is not human, but nymphic (that is, demoniac); and these chosen creatures I propose to designate as “nymphets.”
原文:“I am writing to you with an erection on my head and I am very much afraid of burning my hair”, wrote Nannerl Mozart to her brother Wolfgang Amadeus. What was being erected was a large hairdo on top of Nannerl’s head, as she prepared to pose for the Mozart family portrait.
原文: At the Mozarthaus Vienna – Wolfgang’s apartment – on the exit wall, as if by an afterthought, there was a little copy of the Mozart family portrait. I saw a woman seated at the harpsichord next to Wolfgang, their hands intertwined, playing together.
In 1959, novelist Robertson Davies excused the narrator entirely, writing that the theme of Lolita is "not the corruption of an innocent child by a cunning adult, but the exploitation of a weak adult by a corrupt child. This is no pretty theme, but it is one with which social workers, magistrates and psychiatrists are familiar."
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不好意思 網頁上好像沒有特別說 大概要怎麼樣的內容才可以(在這裡的內容,我想說的是:資訊是否正確,評論是否有道理,論述是否有條理這類的標準)請問編輯會針對這些項目修改收到的稿件嗎?
1. 有梗。(如果是站內沒登過的主題,就看主題本身是否跟MPlus有關,如果是有人寫過的主題,則必須有新的觀點跟看法)
2. 沒有第二點。
不好意思 有錯字 手機不方便改
的確,這跟俄裔美國作家納伯可夫(Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov)在50年代出版的小說《蘿莉塔》有關。這本小說描述一個青年因為初戀的傷痕而迷戀未成年少女,接近一對母女,娶了母親,但其實目的是為了接近女兒。然而故事最後的結局很悲慘,悲慘的理由不在於敘事過程中死了不少人,而在於少女根本不是青年想像的那樣純潔無辜,他一生追求的「蘿莉塔」只是自己幻夢的投射而已。
沒錯,經營內容網站的過程中,的確也會有讀者和作者意見相左的時候,偶爾不同派的觀點還會在FB粉絲頁討論數日,如同徵稿要件所說,就算是已經有人寫過的主題,只要觀點不同也會有可能會被刊登出來,例如說近期的 裸色愛情 就收了兩篇投稿,其中當然也會有解讀差異甚至是相互駁斥,對於這種狀態我們也很歡迎大家多多來稿。
And I catch myself thinking that our long journey had only defiled with a sinuous trail of slime the lovely, trustful, dreamy, enormous country that by then, in retrospect, was no more to us than a collec- tion of dog-eared maps, ruined tour books, old tires, and her sobs in the night—every night, every night—the moment I feigned sleep.
Between the age limits of nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travelers, twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature which is not human, but nymphic (that is, demoniac); and these chosen creatures I propose to designate as “nymphets.”
在沃夫岡‧阿瑪迪斯的維也納故居(Mozarthaus Vienna),一幢小小的公寓裡,走道出口藏著一幅莫札特家族肖像畫的複本。畫中沃夫岡‧阿瑪迪斯與一名髮型高聳的女子坐在大鍵琴旁四手聯彈。這是他鮮為世人所知的姊妹,瑪利亞‧安娜‧莫札特,暱稱「南妮兒」。同為音樂神童,南妮兒的作品並未流傳下來。
At the Mozarthaus Vienna – Wolfgang’s apartment – on the exit wall, as if by an afterthought, there was a little copy of the Mozart family portrait. I saw a woman seated at the harpsichord next to Wolfgang, their hands intertwined, playing together.