And so he has taught us to despise and deny them. In our society, women have lived, and have been despised for living, the whole side of life that includes and takes responsibility for helplessness, weakness, and illness, for the irrational and the irreparable, for all that is obscure, passive, uncontrolled, animal, unclean —
All that the Warrior denies and refuses is left to us and the men who share it with us and therefore, like us, can't play doctor, only nurse, can't be warriors, only civilians, can't be chiefs, only indians. Well so that is our country. The night side of our country.
If there is a day side to it, high sierras, prairies of bright grass, we only know pioneers' tales about it, we haven't got there yet. We're never going to get there by imitating Machoman. We are only going to get there by going our own way, by living there, by living through the night in our own country.
So what I hope for you is that you live there not as prisoners, ashamed of being women, consenting captives of a psychopathic social system, but as natives.
- - - 勒瑰恩此次演講的標題呼應她代表作之一《黑暗的左手》(The Left Hand of Darkness),她鼓勵 Mills College 這所女子文理學院的畢業生,不以男性制定的規範活著,而是找到屬於女性的生活方式,擁抱生命中的黑暗,讓靈魂茁壯。 以上,Happy international women's day
全文在此:Ursula K. Le Guin: A Left-Handed Commencement Address
勒瑰恩此次演講的標題呼應她代表作之一《黑暗的左手》(The Left Hand of Darkness),她鼓勵 Mills College 這所女子文理學院的畢業生,不以男性制定的規範活著,而是找到屬於女性的生活方式,擁抱生命中的黑暗,讓靈魂茁壯。
以上,Happy international women's day