Winterson在舊情人(同時也是舊經紀人)過世那年年底寫道:"I wrote The Passion for her, and I loved her very much. She was my agent for a time, and she was the one who found a publisher for The Passion......
"She made a huge difference to my life, and it is true to say that I had to write about her/us/love again, in a different way in The PowerBook, because these things, these things that mean so much to us, come back and back in different shapes and forms. We go on working with whatever is real to us.
"It has very little to do with autobiography in the tabloid sense; simply, it is the workings of a life. Memory, recognition, feeling, some hope of understanding – that is why we go back and back."
其實Winterson的作品中,核心情感跟《The Passion》很像的除了《筆電愛情》,還有《Written on the Body》 写在身体上 (豆瓣) 相較於前兩者我甚至覺得《Written on the Body》更精純直接地在寫那「偉大而具有毀滅性」的不倫戀典型,完全拋棄了歷史、神話、傳奇故事這些中介工具,就一心一意地用極為感官的語言寫一個性別不明的第一人稱敘事者沉醉於愛情、沉醉於愛人的身體,但愛人卻選擇回到原有的異性婚姻之中,而且這並不是敘事者失去她的唯一方式──她罹患絕症,敘事者以為自己的退場能夠挽救她的性命,卻因此而更徹底失去了她,無論她是死是活。 但有趣的是,儘管情節看似比另兩本更富影射性,但Winterson反而說這本與Pat Kavanagh無關
兩本為了Pat Kavanagh而寫的小說。
Pat Kavanagh與Julian Barnes結縭三十年,直至2008年女方病逝,但1980年代她曾和Jeanette Winterson有一段短暫的婚外情。Winterson在那段戀情結束後寫了《The Passion》,Barnes則在愛妻死後寫下《生命的測量》。
所以講了半天《筆電愛情》仍是在寫她自己跟Pat,也就是說該書的舞台劇版本裡Saffron演的其實是我的文學版權偶像(之一)的化身,喔靠我好期待去看那個演出錄影嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷我本來顧慮我懷著看文壇八卦的心接近這書不甚可取写在身体上 (豆瓣)
相較於前兩者我甚至覺得《Written on the Body》更精純直接地在寫那「偉大而具有毀滅性」的不倫戀典型,完全拋棄了歷史、神話、傳奇故事這些中介工具,就一心一意地用極為感官的語言寫一個性別不明的第一人稱敘事者沉醉於愛情、沉醉於愛人的身體,但愛人卻選擇回到原有的異性婚姻之中,而且這並不是敘事者失去她的唯一方式──她罹患絕症,敘事者以為自己的退場能夠挽救她的性命,卻因此而更徹底失去了她,無論她是死是活。
但有趣的是,儘管情節看似比另兩本更富影射性,但Winterson反而說這本與Pat Kavanagh無關