Cute Quinn
Thinking about the Junji Ito Collection anime again
Cute Quinn
There was an observation I saw about Junji Ito's work a while back
Cute Quinn
that I think explains why an Ito anime doesn't work that well even beyond the fact that it was Studio DEEN
Cute Quinn
Junji Ito's short stories have a simple narrative beat they like to use
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that basically goes
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1. You learn that there's something weird, but you haven't seen it yet
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2. You see the weird thing
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The latter usually as a full-page spread of fantastically fucked Ito art
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but the thing about this beat is that it's inherently tailored towards the medium of a comic
I still think my favorite ending to an Ito story was the one where they guy saw a creepy woman out his window looking at him
Cute Quinn
because what's unique to comics
And then her window started physically distorting the side of the house to get closer to him
So they fucking moved
Cute Quinn
is that, 1, you absorb a whole page's worth of visual information all at once, in chunks
Sorry tangent carry on
Cute Quinn
and 2, the reader has control over when they move on to the next page
Cute Quinn
so when you get to right before the scare, you know it's coming, but you still have to basically jump scare yourself
Cute Quinn
and a lot of Ito's freaky shit moments are built on that emotional beat, but in an anime it's just gonna be, here's a scary thing now
Cute Quinn
it doesn't give you the chance to psyche yourself out over it
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like, OK, concrete example
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early on in The Enigma of Amigara Fault
Cute Quinn Here's a pair of pages
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you see their reaction to the strange sight, there's a page break, then you get a massive, detailed shot of it
an alleged frog
you could prrrrrrobably simulate that audience-agency by keeping the reveal in the next episode so you gotta hit "next" to see the reveal, but that doesn't really work
Cute Quinn
then you learn all about the holes, what they do to people, what their purpose is, etc
Cute Quinn then, this is the second to last page
Cute Quinn
which gives you just enough information to draw the horrible conclusion
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page break
Cute Quinn resolution
an alleged frog
yeah you're discovering things at the same pace and tension that the characters are
Cute Quinn
god, Amigara Fault might be the best single chapter of manga ever drawn
Cute Quinn
I read it years ago and I got fucking chills digging it up to get these pages
drr drr drr
i love junji ito and yeah this is a solid breakdown of why it doesn't translate well to anime
Cute Quinn
I mean even if it did, Deen wouldn't have done it justice
not that i've actually seen any of the attempts to do so, but i can imagine it
Cute Quinn
the art is so bland
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and low-budget
which one(s) did Deen attempt?
Cute Quinn
It's an anthology and I've only watched episode 1, which was uh
Cute Quinn
the voodoo doll nails guy
oh him
Cute Quinn
which is honestly
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a really bad point to start on
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because it's kind of meandering and weird
yeah, it's.... yeah
that kid's actually like a recurring character, or rather there are several vignettes about him and his family, like if Twilight Zone had a sitcom family that only showed up every few episodes or something
so it's...a weird one to start on if you're not going to just collect all of those stories into one place and skip the other horror one-shots in between them
Cute Quinn
they ended with a quick short about someone's daughter turning into a doll and like
Cute Quinn
there was more tension in those 90 seconds than the preceding 20 minutes
yeah if you were going to make an anime out of junji ito's one-shots or anthology stories, i...would have skipped nails-kid entirely
Red Turtleneck strikes me as one that would make the transition to anime pretty well
Cute Quinn
honestly just do an anime of Hellstar Remina
Cute Quinn
2018 saw Devilman Crybaby, audiences are ready for Hellstar Remina
oh fuck dude Hellstar Remina would be a killer anime
Do it cowards
I'm still surprised somebody did Gyo, although given the shark scene, I probably shouldn't be.
Cute Quinn
Gyo is so dumb
Cute Quinn
I love Gyo
why do people keep letting deen do horrors and thrillers
Cute Quinn
Deen should only do gag anime
they can do action? shouldn't, but it's not....
The first like
fate was less of a trainwreck than umineko or ito collection
3/4ths of Gyo is amazing
Didn't stick the landing
Cute Quinn
Fate/Stay Deen is pretty bad