Rotten. My two-month streak with no nocturnal stomach pains came to an abrupt halt last night. Took the liberty of starting work two hours late, after not sleeping much. Of course, now behing with collating data for an important conference call. Almost wish I'd rung in sick. 😕
:-( sorry
SteveBob Thanks. Not the best start to the week.
KDFrawg 🐸
Oops. I was hoping you had put all than behind you...
KDFrawg 🐸 So was I. I suspect I let work get to me far too much last week, plus the emotional strain of clearing out the parents' place. Back to more regular meditation sessions, see if they can take the edge off things. Still, it wasn't as severe an attack as when it first started...
KDFrawg 🐸
Sounds like progress, anyway, for which I am glad.