Cindy Lou Who
Watching Wonder Woman for the first time
Cindy Lou Who
I'm so unimpressed. Maybe I expected too much.
I legit cried in the beginning with the Amazons fighting and stuff, felt so empowering
Cindy Lou Who
I thought I'd feel the same way. I was hooked for like 2 seconds when the first Amazon got shot
Cindy Lou Who
but then it just turned into something I didn't think it would
Cindy Lou Who
Once she left the island it just went downhill for me
Cindy Lou Who
I thought it would be so much more girl power but I felt like Chris Pine was pm the leader of the story imo. She could fight but it felt like he was calling the shots
I had problems with their relationship as well, but I was happy when he died. I just wish she hadn't ~found her purpose~ because of him
Cindy Lou Who
I didn't even finish it but I'm glad to hear that he died ngl
Cindy Lou Who
I feel like he was too big a part of her story
I agree
Cindy Lou Who
I thought it was going to be like more her and then the focus seemed a bit too much on the dude
Cindy Lou Who
and I just got v disgruntled
It is canon, and I liked her relationship with his assistant but yeah
Cindy Lou Who
Yeah, I think in my mind I thought it would just be pm like
Cindy Lou Who
her doing all of it
I enjoyed it overall, though. And as far as superhero movies go, it's my fav since TDK trilogy
Cindy Lou Who
prob not v realistic expectation
Cindy Lou Who
I'm in love with Black Panther rn, still riding the high from all the girl power in that movie too
Cindy Lou Who
that's prob why I was a little more let down
Cindy Lou Who
TDK after watching over was SOOO much better than I gave it credit for the first time around
Cindy Lou Who
love them so much now
Ah, yeah probably. I haven't seen Black Panther yet
Cindy Lou Who
I think you'll like it!
Cindy Lou Who
The women were kick ass
Cindy Lou Who
I'm just a girl power junkie
I think so too, but I don't wanna because then Marvel will beat DC yet again and WW has been the one DC win since ever
Cindy Lou Who
lol yeah this one was way better than their others ngl
Cindy Lou Who
but I think Marvel's getting better story telling wise these days
Cindy Lou Who
at least with this last movie
Cindy Lou Who
I was moved prob also as a black woman living in America
Cindy Lou Who
blown away
Yeah, I heard really great things about it
Cindy Lou Who
D.C. Is getting better but I hope they continue in that direction up
Cindy Lou Who
More bad ass ladies please
I assume you haven't seen Justice League yet?
Cindy Lou Who
Not yet. Is it good?
I would love a Hawkgirl movie so much. Shayera is queeen
lol no
it's fucking horrible
Cindy Lou Who
Oh damn
Only good thing about it is Diana
Cindy Lou Who
I had hope for that one. The trailer looked good
That Flash is horrible (why the fuck do they keep putting Barry in things when Wally exists)
I hate Affleck's Bruce so much I just wanna punch him
I normally love Amy Adams but she CANNOT Lois
Cindy Lou Who
I haaaaate that Bruce
And I actually like Henry Cavill's Clark so that's okay too
Cindy Lou Who
and lol idk about Barry. I think they tried it out for the show and it was well received so they stuck with it
Cindy Lou Who
i wish they just kept Christian Bale on tbh
Cindy Lou Who
he was great
Haven't seen the show, but I assume you're right
He was perfect! But he didn't wanna do it anymore, asshole
Cindy Lou Who
how dare he
Cindy Lou Who
ok but ben affleck
Cindy Lou Who
wtf were they thinking
At least it looks like he's out
and flashpoint is coming to wipe all this shit and reboot it
Cindy Lou Who
thank god
Cindy Lou Who
they need new writers. And casting. And directors
Whedon was just fired from Batgirl so I'm hoping they realize that
Cindy Lou Who
lol oh Whedon...
Cindy Lou Who
he just needs to sit down
Cindy Lou Who
and stay down
he was so good with Buffy like.... what happened
Cindy Lou Who
He smoked something and lost his mind forever