TMI plurk- I went away for the long weekend. I woke up yesterday and was pretty sure I had a UTI. I went to the doctor today after work and he said the quick test was negative for infection, but is sending it off to the lab. He thinks it might be a Kidney Stone. Whatever it is, I feel like I am dying. Anyone have any experience with all this?

He is waiting for the labs (should know tomorrow) and in the mean time he is treating it like it is a UTI in case the strip test thing was wrong, since it burns to pee, and I am in pain. Also, the strip test shows blood in my urine which he said could be an infection or a kidney stone as well- so no help really.

kellybellman: right, since this is only day 2 thats what he thinks it might be as well and that is why I had to go drink MORE water so I could pee again and he could send it off

Either way, I am in SO MUCH PAIN

it's just awful and I am soooo behind on everything in both lives, but I just can't with life right now

kellybellman: did that yesterday for sure. I was tired from my trip anyway, but then the pain in my lower back was so bad yesterday, I took two aleve and went to bed super early. Think thats the plan tonight too.

I can't believe I have been hoping it is a UTI for the last few hours. At least that has a treatment plan. A kidney stone sounds sooo scary and painful!

I was away for the long weekend yesterday too and had to drive back with my back in spasms. It was wonderful, not.

I just got well after the flu and bronchitis. I was feeling GREAT and so happy to be well. THEN THIS

CindyBoo and HiramWalker please don't replace me

i have had both UTIs and several kidney stones.. they are similar symptoms starting out but the pain is usually more like getting kicked in the back/side where your kidneys are.. and it often gets worse after peeing because the stone is lodged in the tube moving its way down to the bladder

for me the pain was far worse than childbirth related pains and i was doubled over on the floor puking if i didn't get some vicodin or percoset.. usually initially they'd give me morphine

and until the stone passes you need pain meds constantly and flomax for muscle relaxant so the stone can pass more easily

in one case my stone was too big to pass and they had to go in and get it

sadly ive become an expert with kidney stones

main advice.. get narcotic meds for pain. that shit is no joke.

omg pain is gonna be bad kidney stone pain is horrific, i haven't had but have friends pass and my mom.