what does your character think of mine?
Kaito thinks he's so cool. He looks great, he's got a nice voice; he's probably a fantastic, singer, right? and clearly bilingual to boot? and the way he's built... he's prolly got a ton of fans already, right? no there's no comparing himself going on here, why would anyone think that

Al's just like, yes awesome someone kinda like him. instafriend!
and we all know Gumi's crushing on sight
hahaha aww. Enoch likes the dorky bot gang, too.
Puddle Jumper
Enoch has been really good to Peter so he can't stay pissed forever at him for the thing with Gamora, he's still salty about it but after Beckett's beat-down he's ok again. He genuinely thinks he's a good dude, though blinded by his friendship for Beckett sometimes to the point where he'll run over other people's feelings on it, but he won't hold it against
Puddle Jumper
him forever or anything
haha...god, the things that would be cleared up if Enoch could just communicate clearly what it was he was really after (which is peace, Gamora had threatened Beckett physically and Enoch was trying to make that less likely - hate him, fine. Hurt him? No thanks.)
but no. Guy's way too messed up for that
Doesn't change the way it came out or the way either of them perceived it, but it maybe would be better than just not arguing the assumptions the way he is because he's too mired in self-loathing to defend himself?
Anyway, he's glad Peter hasn't totally written him off. Other immortal humans are important okay
and the rest is for your plurk!
Puddle Jumper
Fellow immortal bro!
Puddle Jumper
Please love yourself Enoch
immortal bro! He will help, he gets the whole "everyone else around me is mortal!" problem
(but you do need them. Perspective is important and they are good at keeping yours up to date. Easy to stagnate otherwise.)
and uh. he'd like to. he seems to have misplaced the ability somewhere. Or maybe his self-blaming tendencies grew over it like a weed
no lie, Al sorta wonders if he can get Enoch to do something that'd fit the heading "stupid fun" with him sometime. mattress surfing down the stairs, maybe? designing a play-area with giant pillows and trampolines and slides and who knows what else, in the Theater, and then jumping into it? he's pretty sure just looking at him, Lucifel wouldn't join that.
lmao sure he'd give it a try - it's easier to relax and have fun following someone else's lead