duck bastard
[gun violence, republicans] I need to stop reading news in the morning
duck bastard
or at least before work
duck bastard
I read one article in which some Republican politician, in response to pushes for gun control, started whining about how he didn't want to see the Florida shooting
duck bastard
~politicized into a gun debate~
duck bastard
oh fuck you
duck bastard
people have fucking died, you porcelain shit
duck bastard
children have been murdered
oh my god
duck bastard
this isn't political, this is fucking giving a fuck about other human beings
duck bastard
and the only ones who seem to have an issue with that basic aspect of humanity sure seem to be fucking Republicans!!!
duck bastard
and then I read another article where Conservatives don't think it's guns being a problem!!!
duck bastard
because of course not
ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
If the kids who barely escaped with their lives can handle having this conversation then the goddamn adults responsible for policy making can too
duck bastard
No, they think the real problem is that America is lacking ~family/Christian values~
duck bastard
listen, you moth-infested fucks
like I think the actual victims of gun violence can be the ones to set the tone for how and when we talk about fucking gun violence
duck bastard
if most fucking mass shooters are white dudes
duck bastard
(not all, but sure the fucking majority of them)
duck bastard
with women mass shooters or others being much rarer to hear about
duck bastard
maybe it's not ~a lack of family values~
duck bastard
because other people sure seem to fucking keep themselves under control!!
Mouldy Apple
I wake up and read Twitter until I can actually get UP and... this is a mood.
duck bastard
god, I'm just, fucking burning up
duck bastard
this is why, even though Democrats/the general left aren't great
Mouldy Apple
Admittedly I'm getting real tired of MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE ARE THE REAL DANGER
duck bastard
I could never imagine going anywhere near the right
duck bastard
because, time and time again, they keep showing themselves to be scumbags
duck bastard
duck bastard
apparently, like, half of mass shooters don't even show any typical signs of any sort of mental illness
duck bastard
and the 25% of the half which did were usually shit, like, depression
zєℓ∂ιѕαѕтєя ❀
but making it about mental health is an easy way for the right to take the spotlight off guns and seem like they vaguely have a conscience
zєℓ∂ιѕαѕтєя ❀
which they don't, because in two weeks they'll be back to gutting health care protections and stuff for mental health
duck bastard
y u p
duck bastard
you know what I'm at least glad about
duck bastard
is all the survivors from the Florida shooting directy calling out the NRA
duck bastard
and the politicians taking money from them
zєℓ∂ιѕαѕтєя ❀
hell yeah
zєℓ∂ιѕαѕтєя ❀
fuck 'em up, kids
duck bastard
like we know what bullshit you're fucking funding, you pieces of shit
i had to step away from a lot of these discussions
i was getting too emotional and i literally physically can't deal with a lot of stress but i'm 500% done
please fuck them up
duck bastard
duck bastard
It's really stressful, so that's understandable
it was just getting to the point where i had nothing constructive to say
"i'm not letting some kid speak for me"
"he wouldn't have to if you'd be a goddamn adult and cared enough to speak for him"
duck bastard
god, fucking right???
me: that was true but it did nothing to help i'm going to go order pizza and sleep
how about no
these moldy walnuts
Those kids are truly awesome, and I need to look into that March protest for gun control and see if there's one close enough that I can get to it.
"# die in car accidents and we aren't outlawing cars!"
"meth is illegal but we still do it so let's make it easy and sell it in walmart"
I'm hoping that this time, aiming directly at NRA support in what looks like it's shaping up to be a blue wave election will actually push politicians to DO something
i'm just so mad
"lets arm the teachers"
"fuck you"
as someone who has taught in the US in a really shit school in a really shit school district where shootings were a real threat that could happen (my school was on lockdown twice when i was just student teaching!)
we practiced lockdowns and evacuations REGULARLY
and we ended up practicing one when i was in the computer lab with my class and it was ALL GLASS WALLS ON 3 SIDES and yeah we could hide under the tables BUT there wasn't much room because of all the wires and stuff
and only SOME of the tables were nonvisible
sentient gate
Gah it just boggles my mind. One of the kids made a great tweet in response to the whole "guns aren't the problem, people are"
that drill happened and i watched the kids get under the tables and as a teacher during the drill, i had to like... observe to make sure everyone was ok and i noticed all of the computers were on and clearly had work on them
me: so i'm literally practicing a drill where i'm still going to die ok
sentient gate
And I'm paraphrasing but it was along the lines of "well he shot me and he wouldn't have hurt as many people with a knife"
me, a young 22 year old student teacher talking to my senior teachers at the meeting after school: So... in that situation, I would just probably die with the class?
them: yeah
sentient gate
And this is just common sense and I literally cannot because the arguments against gun control, especially in the aftermath here when talking to the people who lived through it, are just stupid
me: i didn't want to go into this job so i would have to decide if i want to die protecting the same students that threw a desk at me this week
sentient gate
Fuck them up, kids. Seriously.
(there actually isn't a choice. the real fact is a lot of teachers WOULD die to protect their students and that was shaking to realize)
sentient gate
Oh for sure, and the whole arm the teachers thing is so nonsensical it's just fucking stupid. How the hell is that a viable solution
they won't give us money for school supplies
ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
They're not even asking teachers to take a bullet for their students. They're asking them to potentially kill one of their students to save other students.
they won't even fix my ac in the summer and it's 100F
ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
How the fuck are they supposed to make that call before everything's gone to hell anyway?
where is this glock money coming from
there is this magical glock money coming from!!!!!
ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
I'm sure the NRA will be happy to offer a bulk discount.
they can save money by not buying gun safes for the classrooms i guess
since as someone who grew up with guns in the house (my dad was a cop), a gun that is properly stored (in a safe, with ammo separate) is 0% helpful in a second
but that's beside the point
duck bastard
while i'm still ehre before running to work
duck bastard
these kids are not fucking around
my school officers didnt have guns but they had taser and pepper spray and we were already in the knew enough for police brutality I CANT IMAGINE WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE WITH A GUN
the school also identified him as a threat, removed him from the school and made pleas to authorities
the teachers were told to be vigilant about this student
the school identified this as a potential situation early and did everything they could but it wasn't enough because he had a gun
the shooter isn't some poor victim that we need to empathize with. he openly talked about guns, had concerning social media, declared he wanted to be a school shooter. he's not a victim he's the attacker.
im so disorganized with my thoughts /screams ugh
bluh, bluh, bluh. god, family values. you piss off the wrong person, even by accident, you'll even get attacked in church.
You can believe in pixie dust all you want, but nothing is going to change the fact something needs to change.
man i saw someone say
"if we kept god in schools, this wouldn't have happened"
and i literally just linked the charleston shooting tag on npr
"tell me more"
Tonberry King
I just copied that tweet to someone on facebook who keeps going "But that guy was bullied and people should have reached out to him and maybe they could have prevented this"
Tonberry King
which, not just victim blaming
Tonberry King
but this is like abuse victim gaslighting too
Tonberry King
"You know, maybe if you stayed closer to the guy you knew was bad news he wouldn't have killed your friend"
Tonberry King
if people were bullying him, that's one thing and that's bad on its own, but nobody is obligated to reach out to someone who gives them bad vibes
Those kids give me fucking life tho.
Tonberry King : let me guess. Carlos.
I call fucking bullshit on the bullying excuse
I was miserably bullied in school, and I was miserable enough in high school to have actual violent fantasies toward anyone who seemed happy, and I remember when I heard about Columbine that I felt like I could imagine how the shooters must have felt
Tonberry King
SmileySkeletor : nah, someone I don't know
But while misery and helplessness and desperation may explain doing something stupid and drastic, it neither excuses it nor causes it
Tonberry King
yes that
There's HUGE difference in thinking about wanting to kill everyone in your school and actually fucking doing it.
Despite how I was feeling, I never hurt anyone and I knew all along I never could even given the opportunity, because I knew it was wrong and other people didn't deserve it???
Tonberry King
also just like, pols and pundits taking their usual swing through "it's the video games"
Tonberry King
and I'm not phrasing this as well as I'd like to
So is possible to be in that same sort of place and still be entirely in control of, and answerable for, your own actions
i literally just saw someone share a meme about video games
Tonberry King
but if there's all these video games influencing kids
video games and mental illness. :|
Tonberry King
then how come it only ever applies to the one guy doing the attacking?
i do agree that we've become desensitized to violence as a result of media
Tonberry King
sarcasam engaged
but that's a cultural problem
Because admitting to the 99% of gamers who don't shoot up people in real life kind of ruins their argument
Tonberry King
but what about all the kids who have been trained to duck behind waist high fences
it's not a media problem it's a culture problem
Tonberry King
gun culture in the US is disgusting
Probably all those shooters ate gluten, too, are we going to blame gluten
Video games don't make people violent or lacking in empathy; they don't even encourage it in people who are already violent or lacking in empathy, as far as I know
If anything, I'd imagine they could give violent, low-empathy people a safe fictional outlet
What about recreational shooting, or paintball, or other activities that simulate violence
Why is it always video games people point to, it doesn't make sense
At this point gaming is a popular enough activity that someone being a gamer and a criminal is more likely to be coincidence than correlation in any case, much less causation
first person shooters are a popular video game genre here in japan and guns show up in other media but they aren't shooting schools and other people because gun restriction is so tight here
same in korea
They literally point to everything and anything except the guns.
Great reddit comment I saw the other day: “video games have always been at fault for mass acts of violence - everyone knows the Crusades were caused by Grand Theft Equine: Constantinople”
Which is absolutely a game I would play
I can't be the only person thinking: oh the second amendment is sacred to you guys but unlawful search And seizure is ok to just toss out every time the Patriot act or civil asset forfeiture comes back up
When it comes to this debate I get "well you can't stop them illegally buying guns" but no one seems to have an answer when I go "how come you can buy a military weapon with the magazine?" why is that still for sale why is it necessary to have a military style weapon so easy to get? But sure Grand Theft Auto is to blame
ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
People compare it to people buying drugs illegally and I can't help but feel... that's not really comparable...
It REALLY does concern me you can buy automatic weapons. Like when you buy that, there's no question you are off to kill people.
ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
because even if you could just walk up to someone on the street and buy cocaine like they seem to think you can... I'm pretty sure there'd be fewer illegal weapons dealers than illegal drugs dealers
Conservatives: “gun bans are pointless, people will get them anyway”

Also conservatives: “let’s ban abortions tho”
ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
most people who buy drugs aren't planning on killing anyone and the dealers know that, even if people do die and it is dangerous. I'm pretty sure no one selling AKs illegally has any illusions as to what their clients are planning.
ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
No one's going to be selling assault rifles behind night clubs.
ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
"If we ban guns, people will just buy them illegally!" I live in a country where guns are regulated, I could not tell you where to get your hands on one! I couldn't tell you where to buy one legally!
I saw a tweet about how abortions were to blame for mass shootings and my soul nearly left my body
my personal position on guns is that all guns should be registered, liability insurance should be required (covering damages for accidental injury or use of the gun in the commission of a crime) and gun owners should be required to get licensed and keep the license up to date (license requirements including safety training, background checks, etc)
and, like. also I'd like to see significant restrictions on the types of guns people can get; but registration and insurance will make it real hard & expensive for people to build up stockpiles of guns, and having a licensing system would make it easier to keep guns out of the hands of people with, e.g., restraining orders against them
and it's a lot harder for people to argue against requiring training, registration and insurance for guns than it is to argue against specific gun bans. those people who go "well cars kill more people"? WE REQUIRE ALL THOSE THINGS FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TO OWN AND OPERATE A CAR
This showed up on Twitter the other day:
Dan Hett on Twitter
Tonberry King
because the thing they love to conveniently ignore about the 2nd amendment is the two words "well regulated"
Tonberry King
and if someone already mentioned this I'm sorry
Tonberry King
but the second amendment is horribly written
Tonberry King
sentient gate
gah yeah the entire second amendment argument is really pretty nonsensical in today's world as it is, regardless of how it was written. the intent of it was to keep the militia with weapons of defense, not for every tom dick and harry to buy an assault rifle. that was never what it was about
sentient gate
but people always leave out everything after "the right to bear arms"
sentient gate
like. as an historian it bothers me in particular because my entire academic career has been centered around not being anachronistic
sentient gate
and the way they argue it is the very definition of it so well, that and i don't think the majority of them actually understand what it means
Tonberry King
and every time I hear them talking about "We need our weapons in case we need to stop government tyranny." and in my head I just keep shouting " it. Do it. Stop saying you're gonna and do it."
honestly, my response to the people who think that their gun stockpile will allow them to stop govt tyranny is "lmfao, right"
Addendum: The government tyranny THEY hate.
Or ya know against people that don't look like them or share their values.
sentient gate
yep because turrirists
sentient gate
sentient gate
i really wish it could be made a requirement that everyone has to spend at least a year outside America simply for perspective (and not as members of the military, just as Life Experience (tm) )
sentient gate : great idea in theory, but unless someone else is footing the bill, that's an impossible thing for many people.
sentient gate
oh i know
sentient gate
it's just really sad