Ainsley ☄
/casually rolls a second new character

Ainsley ☄

Ainsley ☄
shapeshifter dude using Jason Momoa's face

⧗ widow.

Ainsley ☄
the other one's gonna be a Hemsworth face

⧗ widow.
someone in my old sandbox game used him for a Simba from WoD

⧗ widow.
Momoa, I mean

Ainsley ☄
he's gonna be an aquatic shifter

⧗ widow.

Ainsley ☄
wait third

Ainsley ☄
nearly forgot about other new dude

⧗ widow.

ready seth NO
Nyra is going to be so bristly towards Momoaface

ready seth NO
Mostly because she knows that he is right but like hell is she going to ever say it

Ainsley ☄
hee yes

Ainsley ☄
he's bad for saying I TOLD YOU SO

Ainsley ☄
he needs to not

ready seth NO

ready seth NO
that is her excuse and she is sticking to it because it's ... kinda the truth