tea’s gone cold
[uspol] if you think Chelsea Manning is alt-right please unfollow
... how did anyone even think that tho?
papermint tiger
because people are insane and will say anything to discredit someone they don't like, i guess
tea’s gone cold
a photo has surfaced of CM at an escape the room thing with a bunch of Extremely Online alt-right boys
tea’s gone cold
after she attended an alt-right gala, tweeting that she's gatecrashing it
tea’s gone cold
a lot of people jumped to the most extreme conclusion, and I can't massively blame them, but it's so out of character for what we know of Chelsea and, LET'S BE REAL, her sense of humour, that it just seems like a leadingly cruel reading
How stupid do you have to be
tea’s gone cold
i think it's a deliberate misreading to discredit her
tea’s gone cold
a lot of dreadful "centrist" Hilarypeople are accusing her of trying to split the vote, for instance, even though that makes no sense
tea’s gone cold
that she's an alt-right plant to split the vote by running for senate AS IF THAT'S HOW IT WORKS
tea’s gone cold
the journalist who posted the photo was an alt-right sympathiser
i guess some ppl are still kneejerk suspicious of her history with wikileaks but they fucking threw her under the bus so hard and I'm not surprised she doesn't talk abt them bc seriously i don't even want to guess how traumatised she is