[personal] dad's still working on my laptop and it's being such a little shit, lol.
so far he's found over 2,000 bad sectors, the battery's suddenly not charging to 100% even though that was fine when i tried using it on christmas morning, and... another thing that i already forgot.
so basically the hard drive's failing, which doesn't surprise me since the first hard drive failed too, and the battery isn't that big of an issue since i have it plugged in most of the time anyway.
of course the worse issues come up after the warranty expired though. XP i think it expired in like september.
my dad's still letting me use his weak laptop so i'm not suffering too much, hahah.
i miss having multiple tabs open though, fml, i've gotta use an extension to keep it at 5 tops or it might crash. not that it'll crash once i have a whole whopping 6 open, but i don't wanna risk it.