比如說這段 Go away.” He grinned as he said it. He knew exactly what he had done because he meant to do it. And then he settled down on his stomach with the book again, putting Barry on ignore to be sure he caught the hint.
Despite the sudden discomfort of the let-down, Barry was amused by the tactic. It was kind of a Leonard Snart Signature move to leave him high and dry. Or at least knocked on his ass, on the floor, trying to figure out when the rules changed. Barry got to his feet and decided to take the excuse to go see to his city.
Not above revenge, though, he snagged Len’s book from the man’s hands before he left. It went with him, so Captain Cold would at least miss something about him while he was gone.
“Go away.” He grinned as he said it. He knew exactly what he had done because he meant to do it. And then he settled down on his stomach with the book again, putting Barry on ignore to be sure he caught the hint.
Len was going to be uncomfortable for the effort, but he figured he could work that out for himself once Barry left. The Flash was going to have a lot of fun with that skin-tight red suit for the night, though. It was a dirty trick in every sense and Len loved that he got away with it.
Despite the sudden discomfort of the let-down, Barry seemed amused by the tactic. It was kind of a Leonard Snart Signature move to leave him high and dry. Or at least knocked on his ass, on the floor, trying to figure out when the rules changed.
Not above revenge, though, he snagged Len’s book from his hands before he left. It went with him, so Captain Cold would at least miss something about him while he was gone. Len didn't give two seconds’ thought to the missing book, though. His attention was on the fact that Barry had stolen it, that he would play back in a language that Len knew so well.
是這樣的(哪樣?), 最近剛好讀到這類型的文, 又跟親友聊天聊到, 小說分兩部, 一部全用主角A的視角, 另一部全用主角B的視角來描寫同一件事, 看到底有什麼不同;
今天就來推個冷閃文分兩部分, 一部全用Barry視角, 另一部全用Len視角, 來看看這兩個人看待同一件事的態度到底有什麼差別。
Wonderland - Chapter 1 - notenuffcaffeine, technologykilledrealit...
White Rabbit - Chapter 1 - notenuffcaffeine, technologykilledreal...
Barry已經來不及換裝成閃電俠, 為了不暴露身分(而且Lisa的安全也還沒確認), 只好跟著他們一起被抓; 當然被監視器拍到的畫面Cisco也來不及駭進去刪掉, 完全變成指證Barry是Lewis他們犯罪小伙伴的證據
愛麗絲Barry就進入了Wonderland, 可喜可賀...不是, 就接受了一連串社會教育每天忙得團團轉之外, 他還得學習牢裡的規矩, 假裝是個被冷隊罩的小跟班, 裝著裝著就真的裝到床上
然後他的煩惱又多了一個 - 除了該怎麼證明自己清白之外, 好像不該喜歡上牢友? 大家不都說在監獄裡發生的都是暫時的嗎?
在這同時Len還要想辦法不要被Lewis殺掉, 本來想一星期之內越獄的, 卻因為放不下Barry的關係, 讓他自己也被困住了, 一整個忙東忙西就跟那隻帶艾麗絲進到Wonderland的白兔一樣
Go away.” He grinned as he said it. He knew exactly what he had done because he meant to do it. And then he settled down on his stomach with the book again, putting Barry on ignore to be sure he caught the hint.