關於給Don錢(我是說租這部),也可以看一下他介紹的這段:" outside of theaters, i’ve decided to release exclusively on vimeo again in order to make the film available to everyone at the same time. this is also the only site where 90% of your ticket price will go right into our new productions. there are no current plans for the film to turn up on netflix, hulu, itunes, etc"
當初看第一集時覺得太原創太特別,完全沒想過會有第二集,也難以想像。但實際看到他端出來的作品覺得 嗚 對 這人還是如此讚
& 第二集其實目前是要用租的方式在vimeo上看><
如果你想看我可以借你帳號碎一地蘚苔 : 交流屁超白癡 XDDDD 是說他第二集租金也才5鎂,我是力勸大家捨得花可以用力花下去