Lynx and Paint
Dang I caught like four Mudkip on the commute this morning
Lynx and Paint
Still need even one of the other Hoenn starters tho
Lynx and Paint
and so many other Hoenn Mons for that matter
/insert vintage meme here
Lynx and Paint
I DO liek Mudkips, although just casually
Autumnal GG
Same, same.
Autumnal GG
Top tier of water starters
Lynx and Paint
it is a good one, yes
Lynx and Paint
although I think my fav is ninja frog
Mermaid seal is best seal
Lynx and Paint
mermaid seal is super great
Autumnal GG
Squirtle allaway.
Lynx and Paint
why people gotta hate on Popplio
Penguin is mine. No surprise there.
popplio is precious
Autumnal GG
I do like Mermaid Seal quite a bit (but I went Rowlet.)
Because people are meanies 8<
Autumnal GG
GG'S TOP THREE WATER STARTERS: 1. Squirtle. 2. Totodile 3. Popplio
but you can never beat squirtle squad tbh
Lynx and Paint
I actually picked Litten for my run of Ultra Moon and...I've really gotten to like it...
Lynx and Paint
big scary wrestler tiger but he winks at you
water starters 4 lyfe
My fave three are Popplio, Piplup and Squirtle
Autumnal GG
idk what it is about Totodile but they just genetically engineered that thing to hit all my cute buttons at once
Lynx and Paint
I will say that water staters I think have the advantage of most interesting variety
Autumnal GG
see also: Rowlet
nah i was tempted by litten but i can't betray my water starters
Rowlet is best bird
(ray you haven't even played sun or moon what are you talking about)
Autumnal GG
Rowlet is probably my favorite grass starter ever
Autumnal GG
With Bulbasaur at a close, classic second
Bulbasaur and Snivy are also good, but
Lynx and Paint
Robin Hood Birb
Autumnal GG
Rowlet is staggeringly adorable and his grown-up version has such a weird interesting type combo
wow no love for fire starters here huh
Autumnal GG
(And weirdly, loses his Flying type when he grows up)
Lynx and Paint
I like fire starters! Like I said, have fallen for Litten
Autumnal GG
Fennikin, Charmander and Cyndaquil are the best fire starters
Autumnal GG
i can't not love charmander
Autumnal GG
It's really hard to supplant the OG3 starters
in part because i keep thinking of that one anime episode and feeling an intense need to protect him
Autumnal GG
There's a reason they're on all the marketing right alongside Pikachu.
The Alolan starters all had good type combos
(But then, I am somewhat biased towards Fairy and Dark types)
Lynx and Paint
uugh I should draw up those starters for the gen idea I had
Autumnal GG
Like you almost have to put the OG3 in their own category and judge all the others against each other on separate merits
Lynx and Paint
and all the other Fakemon I ended up thinking up too
that's true
(When will I get a Fairy/Dark pokemon 8( )
Autumnal GG
(also complicating this is that Squirtle is my overall favorite pokemon in general.)
Lynx and Paint
haha one of the legendaries I was thinking of for the Fake Gen was a fairy/dark
what about a fairy ghost
There's so much potential in that type combo
i see those guys paired up all the time in fanart
Autumnal GG
Mimikyu is a fairy ghost!
Mimikyu is love
i didn't know mimikyu was a fairy type!
Autumnal GG
I love Mimikyu
now i love him more
Autumnal GG
Autumnal GG
It's a really weird type combo but combined with its truly awesome natural move it can absolutely destroy
Autumnal GG
The first attack that hits it does absolutely no damage
that makes me happy
Lynx and Paint
Mimikyu's trial was so creepy, I love it
Autumnal GG
So you'll often get AIs that whip out an ultra move first thing and it just does nothing
Autumnal GG
And because ghost is weak to ghost, you can actually whip Mimikyu out against other ghosts and always win because their first attack does nothing
Autumnal GG
destroy them mimikyu
Lynx and Paint
I need to catch me one now that I finished the game proper
Autumnal GG
I really can't stress enough how much Sun and Moon brought me back into the Pokemon game fold
Autumnal GG
They made so many good decisions
lmao i haven't played since like... gen2
go doesn't count
Autumnal GG
I played gen 1, then skipped a bunch, then didn't finish gen 4, then picked up X/Y and was supremely bored
Autumnal GG
But S/M was really good and they removed a bunch of the dumb bullshit that we'd just gotten used to
Autumnal GG
The death of HMs shall be celebrated forevermore
Lynx and Paint
oh man did I appreciate no more HM slaves
Lynx and Paint
and honestly trials was a real nice change from the gym system
oh man. mudkips are the one i've yet to find
it's been nothing but clear weather over here so the treecko are out en masse
I never have water starters up here lol
Lynx and Paint
yeah the weather conditions were rainy today and that's when they all started to show up, so that might do it