"I twisted it and my Batman theme… the DNA is there, but the themes aren’t necessarily obvious in the film. Except for one specific moment in the final battle. Joss said, ‘Let’s do it [Batman’s theme] on the nose. Fans love this kind of stuff.’ "
"The whole concept that every time a superhero franchise is rebooted with a new director, then you have to start the music from scratch is a bullshit idea. It’s only for the ego of the director or the composer," says Elfman.
"They need to learn the incredible lesson that Star Wars and James Bond have known for ages, which is that keeping these musical connections alive is incredibly satisfying for the people who see those films." #我不知道誰的EGO比較嚴重
WW的主題曲: Elfman revives Zimmer’s Wonder Woman theme from BvS, but he shifted away from the bold, electric sound. "I use the Wonder Woman’s theme twice. The first time you see her, it’s a really heroic moment, but having heavy electric guitars or that effects-heavy sound would’ve made it feel campy or funny," he says. #campy??funny??
"It's a great melody and I was able to find a way to make it feel grand, which is what that moment needed.Now, when she’s running the second time and bouncing bullets off her bracelets, I thought, ‘This can be the fun moment, and I added in guitars, although it got drowned in the mix.’"
Elfman revives Zimmer’s Wonder Woman theme from BvS, but he shifted away from the bold, electric sound.
"I use the Wonder Woman’s theme twice. The first time you see her, it’s a really heroic moment, but having heavy electric guitars or that effects-heavy sound would’ve made it feel campy or funny," he says. #campy??funny??
看完 JL 電影甚至不只是覺得可惜,還有點怒了憑什麼他把一堆好材料浪費端出垃圾我還得吃!