pis B O Y !
Maybe now is a good time to address this whole thing about me n my whole "who am I" situation
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time to take it from the start
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when we first became pals I was going through this teenage phase where I was 100% sure I was trans (dumb as I was)
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like, a trans boy
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so I cut my hair, wore binders and started going by the name Frank
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all my friends were really chill with it and didn't question it like "you're a boy now? okay sure so anyways-"
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and maybe that was part of why it has taken me so long to finally talk about this?? I got all this support from the people I care about (both IRL and on the web) so I felt like I had to live up to it, in a way? idk if that makes any sense
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anyways so I noticed last year that whenever someone IRL mistook me for a boy, it didn't feel right. I cringed (in the actual sense of the word) every time and was very uncomfortable,,
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I was terrified! Suddenly this idea I and everyone else had of who I was wasn't right anymore, and that was horrible. I felt like I had lied to everyone who supported me and especially to everyone who never knew I was a girl in the first place
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thats kinda where you come in I think
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I never knew, and I still don't, if you know that I was a girl this whole time
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I didn't want to bring it up ever since, like, what if you didn't? What if I have lying to you this whole time and Im not the one you think I am? It's been scaring me so much to bring this up but I feel like I have to
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Especially since I kinda fucked recently and you know now anyways
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see usually whenever I post a selfie or a vid of me doing stupid shit on my IG story, I block your accounts from seeing them :/ it's a shitty thing to do, I know, but I had to make sure you didn't see me ever. I swear my heart stopped for a second when I saw you'd seen the pics I'd posted on my story
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I honestly dont know what I've been so afraid of? Now everything seems just silly to me but I do really care about you and what you think of me, so I guess I just didn't want you to think I was a shitty person for lying about myself to you? ugh
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so anyways
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this is becoming really long but I have a lot of things to say
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also I'm kinda ranting for my own sake as I try ti explain this whole situation
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I think I only told one other person about my identity crisis, Edrick. He's been my friend for like 4-5 years now, seen my worst and my best, so I that was a good place to start my whole cleanup of the mess I made by making everyone think I was a boy
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for some reason I stopped there? I told him, he said "okay! so what should I call you now? Frida?" I said "hm maybe Fie is better? I like that name its cute", and I kinda never talked about it again
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not even my other good friends that I've known for equally long? They kinda just caught on to it with Ed calling me Fie all the time so I never bothered to bring it up
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I still went by Frank to my newer friends, cus like I said, they didn't even know I was a girl in the first place and I didn't wanna confuse anyone
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god this is becoming more and more terrible by the second,, I honestly am just typing at the speed of light trying to make sense of this
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I'm coming clean now Im cleansing myself of all my lies
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Hi, my name is Frida, and I'm a girl. I'm 17 years old, and I have been lying about my identity to my best friend since I was 15. I never said anything because I'm a coward, and I'm sorry. I am so sorry
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and if you DID know, and this is just me rambling on like a madman, I am sorry for not disclosing on this earlier. I imagine it being confusing as fuck
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You have every right to be angry with me, and I actually hope you are
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I've been a horrible person for lying to you, and I don't want this to be brushed away like "oh its okay you were just confused!!" because I was actively and consciously lying. I went out of my way to make sure you never found out, and I have no excuses.
pis G A L !
i honestly had no idea about any of this how oblivious am i
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i know you want me to be angry with you but i dont know how i could be?
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thank you for trusting me enough to tell me everything, i know it couldnt have been easy to come clean with all of this but im really happy you did and i hope youre more comfortable with yourself now
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i should probably be saying more but u know im awful with words
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frida, i love you, youre my best friend, and im so glad you told me this
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You are honestly way too good to me oh my god I'm in tears
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like for real it took me so long to respond to this because I'm an emotional mess and cried the first time
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I have no idea how to express how grateful I am?? Instead of being angry with me, you hope I'm more comfortable with myself now 😭 maddy do you realise how unreal that is oh ym god you are an actual angel
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I just wanna make it clear that I've been meaning to talk about this for a long time now I just never found the right moment (super cliche I know) and that I love you too so so much and you're everything to me
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also I'm still the same dumb person I've always been, the only difference being that I'm a gal, so I hope things won't change? If you feel weird talking to me now or for a while, that's completely understandable I mean I did kinda drop an entire elaborate conspiracy in your lap
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its okay that youve been waiting for the right time to tell me im just happy that you did i love you so much
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and i dont want things to change either so im just gonna keep talking to u like i normally would if thats ok
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also what a pretty name wtf Frida sounds so nice to say