The Fool
[health/finances] I have a conundrum.
The Fool
If I work fewer hours because I'm sick, I have less money to get medical care.
The Fool
if i work more hours to get more money, I feel like death, but might eventually get to go to the doctor.
The Fool
This is such a frustrating thing.
The Fool
My manager scheduled me lots of hours, but I'm not well enough to work them.
The Fool
A coworker asked for one of my shifts, and if I give it to him, I can rest more!
unoiled snake
... D| that. is the worst.
The Fool
but I'm further away from having enough money for anything
The Fool
it suuuuucks
unoiled snake
and I suppose going to the doctor to get sick leave approved... would also cost money...
The Fool
the manager tacked on an extra two hours to my shift today too, but I'm... not gonna do it
The Fool
because I'm too tired
The Fool
unoiled snake
: I don't get sick leave
unoiled snake
The Fool
I mean, i could call in, but then I wouldn't be able to pay rent or anything, and they can fire me no matter WHY I miss
The Fool
it's just so frustrating not to have insurance, because like... I can't get any care at all without paying upfront OR going to the ER, which costs thousands... and I already owe $4000 from the last ER trip I can't pay
unoiled snake
fucking hell.
The Fool
I'd have to work an extra 15 hours or so to cover a standard walk-in visit
The Fool
but instead of working more, being sick is making me not able to work as much
The Fool
unoiled snake
: the US sucks
The Fool
unoiled snake
it really fucking does
The Fool
The cheapest insurance I could get would still be expensive enough that I wouldn't be able to pay my rent
The Fool
so if I were willing to be homeless, I could have insurance
unoiled snake
that is so incredibly fucked up
The Fool
The Fool
yeah. it's frustrating.
unoiled snake
The Fool
I'm trying to be less depressed and upset about being poor.
The Fool
And I'm trying to be less upset and depressed about having health problems.
The Fool
but this loop - I'm too poor to get medical care but not getting care is making me too sick to work - is just frustrating
The Fool
and the list of stuff I need treatment for is really long
unoiled snake
those things are depressing, though
The Fool
so even going to a walk-in for an immediate infection is just putting a bandaid on a bullet wound, really
unoiled snake
The Fool
but $120 to go the clinic would at least make me able to work more again for a bit?
The Fool
maybe? idek anymore
The Fool
The Fool
I think I'm gonna nap for 20 minutes and then go into work at my original scheduled time
The Fool
instead of trying to go early
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
a nap sounds good
this is the problem with health care here I called in sick today myself so I understand
-_-....I know this SOOOOOOOOOOO much
This is just... -_-
Health care in this country is a JOKE and this is why
fkadsl;kfjas rages
-_-.... I'm sorry, I have nothing productive here except love to give you Leca. And rage. Because this is such a hot button for me.
and I've been where you are roughly
The Fool
The Fool
So I went to look at the health care marketplace just out of curiosity, even though I was pretty sure I couldn't afford it
The Fool
Cheapest plan: premium of over 1/3 my income, with a deductible that is higher than my yearly income
The Fool
That's... not going to happen, obviously.
The Fool
did your state not get medicaid expansion to include people below certain income brackets?
The Fool
The Fool
TN sucks
ugh. I'm so sorry your state sucks so much. D: I wish I could help.
The Fool
The Fool