papermint tiger
doing dishes in the kitchen, helly kept squeaking at me

papermint tiger
so i finally sat down

papermint tiger
and now she's in my lap, making me hold her paw and just purring so loud

papermint tiger
i had to type this one handed at a weird angle

...that sounds adorable

papermint tiger
...now she's on the counter and i'm just like 'you're quickly going from adorable to a nuisance'

papermint tiger
...i also discovered we may have a spoon stuck in the sink trap, no idea what to do about that

reach in and grab it? depending on the type of sink trap you have, I suppose

papermint tiger
It's really really narrow, it's not like a garbage disposal

papermint tiger
I mean it's stuck in the bend of the pipe

papermint tiger
And since our pipes are super old and a bit delicate idk if i even want a plumber messing with them

sentient gate
Okay but if it's stuck in the bend of the pipe either plumbers mess with it now or after it gets so clogged no water can get through at all. You can't just leave it there

papermint tiger
i'll call someone

sentient gate