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[FFXIV] ...oh, no, this... this isn't going so well. Edgy McEdgelord's whole OW THE EDGE is going to get ripped to shreds by Moogles
Tonberry King
Tonberry King
be sure to talk to Ysayle at every opportunity in this bit
Back on Gunpla
...oh, dear. I haven't done that. I was going through the OTHER Edgy McEdgelord's thing for the DRK quest
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(I didn't think Estinien was that Edgy McEdgelord yet!)
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(just an ass!)
Tonberry King
he's a bit more Pointy McDragonButt
Tonberry King
so what level are you up to on drk?
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I'm at 60, but I'm doing the 58 quest
Tonberry King
Tonberry King
I saw the level 50 quest coming a mile away but I still loved it
Tonberry King
(I'm good at picking up clues for that sort of thing)
Tonberry King
I've lost track of your story progress, but when you get up to HW moogles in story, Ysayle has the best reactions
Estinien is just SUPER SERIOUS and also no fun.
Because something something self control dragons rarrr.
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I'm at where you gotta do these "tests" with the Moogles.
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Also, Ysayle is just lost in their cuteness
Goddamn Moogles
Tonberry King
"So excessively fluffy..."