∑社畜 ദ്ദി˙◡・)
: Susan Wendell的The Rejected Body 她是女性主義哲學家,後來成為了長期病患於是套用了一些女性主義到身障人士的哲學議題,很豐富但每章都很厚我得很用力地嚼XD我剛好在讀到第四章就是談女性身體和殘疾身體在文化中理想的身體(ideals)、正常的身體(normal)、被拒絕的身體(被定義為"abnormal"而被拒絕的身體-The rejected body書的標題)之間的差異是如何造成的
That’s what’s so frustrating about the film - the intentions are there, the bare bones exist. The women are in charge, the chosen messiah is a woman. It’s almost progressive, it has the makings to be more.
There are a wealth of female characters in Blade Runner 2049, and at least a couple are complex, dramatic creations. (I’m sure Robin Wright’s no-nonsense Lt. Joshi has some hot takes about the state of outdoor advertising that she’d share over a whiskey or two.)
But Villeneuve’s film is ultimately obsessed with motherhood and the ability to reproduce over any other defining female trait, and feels less interested in questions of consciousness than in the pursuit of an elusive pseudo-religious special baby.
This is not a film that was ever going to be interested in anything but familiar, even old-fashioned sexual politics, and I don’t want to spend too much time criticizing Villeneuve for his performance in a game he clearly wasn’t even playing.
I just mean to point out that his use of female bodies as figureheads, these massive gaping-mouthed infertility idols, are not empty or neutral creative choices.