Abra 🥗
Bloggers: do you list everything you wear in a look/feature in a picture? If yes, why? If not, why not?
no because i'm lazy
but i also feel weird crediting things that are blurred out/in the distance anyway
Abra 🥗
Do you list shop SLurls or MP shops? Event links or slURLs? Colors of items? If they are limited edition, fatpack only, or gatcha? Your skin? Appliers? Furniture and props?
Abra 🥗
Poses??? HUDs you used to take the photos?
Abra 🥗
If you withhold- why?
Abra 🥗
Just curious~ ♥️♥️
I list pretty much everything i'm using but if its a piercing or something small i sometimes forget, I list SLurls, event slurls. Sometimes I tag poses but i usually mod them with anypose to fit better
i'll add links for current events and for stores if i have them and know they work but i stopped going out of my way to search for landmarks for everything. i'll also write down of something is limited and/or a gacha
or if i wear the same eyes for like, 3 blog posts in a row i'll stop crediting them too
i have my basic details in another tab on my blog, everything else gets credited, i make all my own poses but if i use a pose i credit it
yes. because if i do not, then i get messages from random ppl in sl asking me where i got the one single thing i did not post. lol
No, I did for years but as I got too busy I noticed I would hold onto good pics for months without posting them because I couldnt remember all the things... then I realized, this should be FUN, this is my artwork, if I'm discarding good work because of shopping/money/advertising, it's stopped being fun.
However I do have a lot of close friends and stuff I wear from them from time to time, and I kept a few small brands I knew I'd never forget the name of, so I only tag those things... and I'm 100% open to people asking me where things are from.
annnd I've gotta say I'm much happier just taking my shots at random when I t hink something is beautiful, instead of sitting for 6 hours with a pile of things in perfect place trying to get it right... idk.
tldr : also lazy
The only time I will not post everything.. two times.. would be if I have already blogged most if not all of the clothing/skin etc items, to which I provide a link for it.
OR If my avie is in the photo with something I am featuring. I will not bother with what I am wearing. I will force eyes to what I am featuring.
i list everything i wear and sometimes background stuff if its sent to me to blog. i'm kinda lazy with the linking, i link events, stores change so much its easier just to list the store names and leave it at that.
I try to list as much as i can but sometimes forget small pieces of makeup, often because at this point they're in my hud and i forget where they're from; also things off in the background/old thing/things only partially seen I don't bother. Things sent to me to blog are always credited and linked though.
Only if it's visible enough
And I don't list poses that are heavily modified. Feels like false advertising.
When I did blog, yes. Everything that I've put there, at least. If I was on location, I didn't credit like, trees behind me or whatever. Stuff that wasn't mine. But everything else, credited with SLURLs and event SLURLs. Though I did have a sidebar with stuff I'd always be wearing, my skin and eyes etc, for brevity.
i'm not exactly a blogger anymore, my blog is more where i post credits for my pictures. I list everything but i don't go into details anymore (like: Head: Catwa instead of writing name and version, ecc). I put slurs only for events (in the rare occasion i have time and i blog an item when the event is still ongoing) or cheap items on the mp.
Abra 🥗
Do any of you hold back on crediting because you don’t want to share? I’ve heard of people doing this because they want to preserve “looking unique.”
If I am blogging it's not going to be a unique look. I find that line of thinking to be ridiculous. You are doing creators a disservice by hiding where things are from.
Abra 🥗 : nope. I have a new face all the time. and my shapes are custom so even if someone wanted to single white female me it'd be hard. I've always listed skins and heads etc
Abra 🥗 : I do it with my skin. I mean, i write the store, but it's a custom work (the creator is a friend of mine since years now) so it's pointless to write it down
Abra 🥗
That's cool Manachan ! Custom skin! wowza
Abra 🥗
Manachan is that a store service or just for you?
Abra 🥗 : I can ask, but this was more a favor... i keep used her skin since she released it a couple years ago, but since no one bought it she stopped selling it. Then she did some update to the appliers when i got a mesh body and mesh head.
Abra 🥗
Manachan I'd be interested in exploring this!
Abra 🥗 : I'll ask her whenever possible, tho i dunno if she will ever venture again with skins. But i can try!
Abra 🥗
Manachan : YAY!]
Abra 🥗 : check your pp
Abra 🥗
okies! Manachan :