"I just thought it was funny, I don't know where it came from. Eggsy had to plant the bug, but by planting the bug, he's ruining his relationship. So there's drama to it, on an emotional level. It's not just a gimmick.
There's craziness to what you're watching, but there's also the turmoil your lead character is going through, having to do this. So that's why I think you can connect with it."
his co-writer Jane Goldman, who argued that the scene is there to both surprise audiences and also subvert usual spy-movie sex scenes where the man is the one whose pleasure matters most at the expense of a woman's. Vaughn also goes a step further: He thinks movies are playing things too safe.
"...There used to be a big debate, and now I think most movies, you sometimes think, Oh, I wish I could have those two hours back." oh yeah I definitely am now
I don't think we ever set out to shock. In some way the Kingsman M.O. is the unexpected. We look for ways to subvert what we are used to seeing in spy movies.
We had a conversation where I said, "This could go so badly wrong if it's not done right." It was really important to me that she was more than a willing partner, that she initiated the sexual contact, and that it's a pleasurable encounter for her. During the scene, she's kind of surprised that he leaves but she had a good time.
It was really important to me that there was nothing exploitive or abusive about it. And not just because I would find that offensive in a movie, myself, but because Eggsy is our hero and we are supposed to root for him. I would be upset if he forced himself on someone. That was Matthew's take too.
It was meant to be a fun, silly jokey thing. The only way for that to be fun, silly, and jokey is to make sure all those boxes are checked. I was poised and ready to pounce on anything that felt uncomfortable to me.
剛趁吃午飯時讀完了 he has said nobody dies in the Kingsman universe.-LOL這真的很明顯,所以上面炸掉的角色都不會讓我感到傷感啊因為隨時硬掰都可以回來了,下集不如來炸一下Eggsy?不是對他有意見,而是既然要狂的話可以讓我看看讓男主角死掉的話對劇情有什麼意義XD雖然覺得下集還有Tatum補上
這樣一想當年不喜歡由Singer接回手拍XMDoFP的自己說不定已經是得到最好的結果了XDDD"I just thought it was funny, I don't know where it came from. Eggsy had to plant the bug, but by planting the bug, he's ruining his relationship. So there's drama to it, on an emotional level. It's not just a gimmick.
oh yeah I definitely am nowI don't think we ever set out to shock. In some way the Kingsman M.O. is the unexpected. We look for ways to subvert what we are used to seeing in spy movies.
cross : 拍拍
MIE : 我想我需要MIB幫忙清除記憶XDDD
啊才剛看到!我的噗不知怎的好卡XD兔寶❄️🧋🫑 : 所以改掉的原因是覺得Merlin存活觀眾會不喜歡…??
覺得剛賜死過一會又爬出來,觀眾會感到被耍了←LOL這LOLLLL 整套就是建基在賜死還是會爬回來啊wwwww根本沒人真的當成真死好不好wwwwww
he has said nobody dies in the Kingsman universe.-LOL這真的很明顯,所以上面炸掉的角色都不會讓我感到傷感啊因為隨時硬掰都可以回來了,下集不如來炸一下Eggsy?不是對他有意見,而是既然要狂的話可以讓我看看讓男主角死掉的話對劇情有什麼意義XD