Broken Shores is the worst area to quest for a priest. Like the area where you need to collect power cores. If you aren't really careful, you have like 6 MOBs on your ass.
AND all the mobs do those fcking ground AOE sht AND they get you down from your mount too... then there's some of them that stun/slow/blind you, and some slow you down a lot.
The priest? long cast for attack, needs to interrupt it because needs to move (shiz on the ground), then needs to heal/shield... gets interrupted again... pain in the ass.
Just checked the forums... do you really need to grind lots of worldquests for flying for weeks because you only get 75 rep per worldquest? If so then i just don't get flying, cause if I hate one thing, then it is grinding rep.
Blizzard should add something like that. I mean all the mechanics required are there already. All you need someone writing epic story line and then someone place all the quest things inworld.
What I really want now for BlizzCon: announcement of a new class, announcement of a new race, announcement of the next expansion and an announcement of "no more grinding, we found something better".