Favorite Female: Sansa Stark has totally grown on me, honestly. She went from this annoying waif to this powerful woman who learned how to play The Game quite well.
Least Favorite Character: Cersei Lannister - but just because she is so BLINDED by her own fears that it makes her lose everything she cares about and she just sits there and goes, 'Why, why is this happening to me?' and it's like GIRL. Girl.
Who Is Most Like Me: ...Tyrion. We were both bullied as kids for being different, we both retreated to books and sharp sarcastic barbs, and we are more than people think we are, all the time.
Most Attractive: Daario Naharis - book and show. I am sorry but if you are either brooding handsome warrior mercenary or a guy with blue curly hair and a golden mustache with no shame? Booooi, mm.
Least Favorite Character: Orsino. While he has a fascinating backstory and you can understand the motivations of a character driven by desperation he's STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR MOM DYING and BLOOD MAGIC and GIANT FLESH MONSTER UGH. hate that guy.
Most Like Me: Varric. Because sass. and writing. And often wondering why the hell I am in the middle of these jams OH RIGHT I decided to be there to help. Damn I'm dumb.
Three more favorites: Morrigan because wow over reaching story arc of awesome, Leliana same reason plus bad ass spymaster, and Cole. Because awww Cole.