[mental health][depression][advice please]

So plurk, I've noticed lately that I'm burying a lot of my depression and anxieties under a lot of food and alcohol.

And now that I know this, it's become a big focus for me. I want to stop, I know I can, but I'm not really sure how.

It hasn't gotten to the point where I NEED a drink every day, but I want to curb it before it becomes a Problem and starts affecting my health

I've lost friends and family to drink and I don't want to go down that road, but I'm not sure what else I can do to fill the time otherwise

Every time I've tried working out, I end up hurting myself and getting more depressed.

I can't really afford to go out, so I just sit at home and be sad.

I don't have many friends, either, and all of my hobbies involve my hands, which I've noticed lately are getting prone to injury due to repeated actions.

So I can't write or draw or play video games for long periods of time. So drinking and youtube seem to be all I can do to pass the time in the evenings.

I don't know what else I can do.

Read books! Listen to audiobooks or podcasts! Go on
Play online, learn online and feed the hungry | Free...
and earn rice! Also I'd suggest removing the alcohol from your house in general.

Also I want you to know that I care about you, anon. You are on my timeline for a reason.

Thank you, Viper. That does mean a lot. I do have a lot of books that need reading. I should get on that.

If you can stifle the urge to backseat game, Let's Plays are great when you don't feel up to playing yourself and they get you as involved in the story. If you want the 'friend playing on the couch' feeling, go to Twitch.

I agree with a lot of these. I've found YT and LPs are great, since I love to play video games but don't own a system, it helps me play vicariously. I've also started reading a lot too to help with my depression and grt myself out of my own head

also if you are physically capable, maybe instead of "working out" go for a short walk? I can't work out properly but have found even just sitting on my front stoop for a little bit or going for a short walk just a few houses down has helped me too

anxiety and depression sucks a lot and I'm only just now finding myself getting out of it after years of being unable to leave my house. so I hope you are able to find something that helps you anon. we understand and are here for you.