Florida folks please be safe. Thinking of you all.

Non Florida folks. What could we do to help?
I am thinking of creating a small pot we can use to help people with afterwards? I have no ideas but I'm sure if we put our heads together we can do something?

I would like us to raise enough to at least afford a small treat for those plurkies involved?
The cost of helping to rebuild lives is beyond us. But there has to be something we can manage
Tortured Poet
I'm in. Perhaps those who have weathered storms in the past can give suggestions of what might be needed afterwards.
Tortured Poet
One thing I'm doing is holding off on sending clothing I've put aside to local donation centers, in case one of our FL peeps needs them.
I'm blessed to have never experienced such a horrible thing. I'm sure most are insured and have plans.
But yes if someone with experience has ideas let me know.

I'm thinking maybe a small event but for now randomkindness resident is logged in for messages, ideas and donations.
I have cleared all Christmas donations to a safe alt for the time being.
i can contribute a small donation or help with an event
Having just gone through Harvey, we were fortunate NOT to have any damage in our neighborhood. I would say that the most useful thing is actual money. Not necessarily given to a large organization like the Red Cross but rather to a LOCAL organization who will help those in need. If you decide to send clothing and the like, keep in mind the season,
weather and work conditions. If you're sending clothing, pre-sort and clearly lable mens, womens youth, children into individual bags with sizes. Doing this will help the volunteers who will have to spend countless hours sorting and discarding unusable items. Send new socks and underwear.
Perhaps, something can be done for our plurk Floridians and something on a larger scale for the residents who are too poor to evacuate, and are 'hoping' for the best. Many in Florida are too poor to evacuate and will probably die : ...
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Why didn't Houston evacuate before Harvey? It's not tha...
One idea is to sponsor a family. I know ONE family doesn't seem like you're doing much, but if the forecast holds true the devestation is going to be widespread and catastrophic. Recovery will be years and years down the line, in Texas and Florida.
To help secure the future of one family is admirable and I think doable within our community. Thanks for listening to my very long '2 cents'.
it's very welcome Mary.

I'm in the UK so creating a small cash fund is probably the most doable option.
Of course I wouldn't want to choose just one plurk family to benefit.
I'm in for helping.. whatever way i can. money or clothes or anything!
I have put up a new plurk. I will get on later and may be able to set a skybox on my land to get a smaller scale event up and running.
you're welcome. I wasn't speaking specifically of a plurk family but more a random family, who we could probably find through a trusted social service non-profilt 'on the ground'. For our plurk friends we could do something else in line with your suggestion of a 'small treat' maybe gift cards to Amazon, Home Depot, etc that way they can purchase a 'treat' or
something they 'need'.