I'm sorry I come with a non crochet related plurk but can we please get this out to all the Australians on plurk?
I do personally think the plebiscite is dumb because it's expensive and non-binding BUT it's still important we let them know that we want change to happen.
I won't be in Australia when my vote arrives but hey I'll just get my friend to grab my mail and vote for me
we need change and it's so hard to make them listen. ALSO: please do not glitter bomb your votes. It will make the vote invalid.
I have seen the rounds on Facebook for people to glitter bomb their return votes. PLEASE DO NOT.
sʜsʟ ɪᴠᴀʟɪᴄᴇ
i think its dumb too but ill be voting
if they're gonna spend all this money at least make it binding
watch me eat my words as Australians vote against equality. I will cry
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
ty ty
Rival Fenix
coochie scarf
y'all pullin' some american shit on that question.
coochie scarf
never go full american
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
Not even the worst shit this plebiscite has stirred up honestly
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
There's been "stop the fags" posters pinned up in the city with razor blades hidden behind them for when ppl try to tear them down
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
I feel like I'd be more surprised at this point if the question WASNT fucky
Many Birds
…oh geez
go тo вread
Yep they did this here in the states by wording that question like that
I'm really glad my stat was super clear in their wording for our vote :| But we... still lost the first time we tried, so there's that.
ψ Jк Aѕunvαh ☀
Duly noted, though I am always careful to read survey questions correctly so hopefully I would have got it right without reading this
If your 'protest' requires an exemption to hate speech laws you're on the wrong side
E.S. Levi
go тo вread
abs has already released what the question will be
which ofc still read it bc it could be changed but yeah, i don't afford our government much in the way of assumptions of their intelligence but i'm pretty sure they're smart enough to realise that a poorly worded question would just make a shitshow of an even more contentious issue.
like they're clearly not switched on enough to realise a postal survey is a terrible idea, but i highly doubt they'd want to deal with how much a dubious question would drag the issue out post-results
Snowy Stella
That's how California's Prop 8 was worded, sort of. Unsurprisingly, Prop 8 passed.
papermint tiger
I hate it when they word things in a (to me) clearly misleading way
papermint tiger
...though with luck it will lead to a few homophobes voting 'no'
Snowy Stella
Nah they're all part of a cult which will inform them how to properly vote. Never count on them being stupid enough to heck it up. That's the mistake we in California made.
Snowy Stella
And we had the added fun of the Mormons funding all the pro- prop 8 stuff.
papermint tiger
Puri Hoyt
Yeah, never underestimate bigots. :-(
Ta for pointing this out, I hadn't thought of them bait and switch on wording. I generally don't think of them as that intelligent but some are petty enough to try. :|